Hospitals & Asylums    







December 2004


Frederick, Jim. Charles Jenkins Tells His Story of Life in North Korea. TIME HA-6-12-04

Neumeister, Larry. Jury Verdict Sept. 11 was two events. AP HA-6-12-04

Pinedo, Emma. Bombs Rock Spain On Constitution Day. AP HA-6-12-04

Sanders, Tony. Releasing the Hearing AID Act of 2005 HA-7-12-04

Graham, Stephen.  Karzai Sworn in as President HA-7-12-04

Sanders, Tony. Tony Principi. Revision of Chapter One HA-8-9-12-04

Bush Rules out Payroll Hike for Social Security. AP HA-9-12-04

United Nations Hospitals & Asylums Political Party Year Hanukah HA-10-12-04

Drosdoff, Daniel. Unshackling the Banks. IDB HA-13-12-04

Sanders, Tony. Balanced Budget HA-13-12-04

Johnson, Kirk. Deportation Case Riles Colorado Town. NYT HA-13-12-04

Sanders, Tony. Peterson’s Protocol HA-14-12-04

Sanders, Tony. Vienna Conviction Abolishing the Death Penalty HA-14-12-04

Sanders, Tony. US-Iraq Bill of Rights Day HA-15-12-04

Sanders, Tony. Time Warner to Settle AOL Fraud Charges. AP HA-15-12-04

Sanders, Tony. The Social Security Panel buys the Bush Budget. HA-16-12-04

Sanders, Tony. World Prison Population of 8,964,620 HA-16-12-04

Vinci, Alessio. Final 6 Athenian bus hijacking hostages released CNN HA-16-12-04

Vincent Doan A 351671 v Warden Margaret Bradshaw. Ohio HA-18-12-04

Verkhovna Rada. Yuschenko Poison!! Dissolution of Ukraine Security Service HA-18-12-04

US Congress. $250 million Tsunami HA-28-12-04

State by State Prison Population 1999 and links HA-31-12-04