Hospitals & Asylums 








Summer Solstice

Vol. 12 No. 2


By Anthony J. Sanders


I was too busy reading the +/- 666 page Old Testament to make off with either a hasty update of Book 3 Health and Welfare or any local friends of the exclusionary rule.  The history of Hospitals & Asylums (HA) dates to the Naval Hospital Act of Feb. 26, 1811.  Since 1924, when the U.S. Civil Code was adopted, HA has been codified at Title 24.   Since 2000 HA statute, a 50 page insert, has been studied, applied and amended and now exceeds 1,500 pages in length.  The spirit of peace is be found at Arlington National Cemetery and the Armed Forces Retirement Home statute that settled the largest reparation in world history.  The spirit of freedom resides at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, which has been rehabilitated by U.S. Customs.  HA owns the balanced federal budget and government reform under the Annotated U.S. Constitution and U.N. Charter Legitimate Edition.  For change that is healthy, wealthy and wise people must dissolve the Democratic and Republican (DR) two party system and join the Hospitals & Asylums Political Party 2012 (HAPPY) where the economic laws of supply of demand, diminishing returns, fair wages, budget and trade balance and currency appreciation, regulate a free market and civil law system that keep us healthy.  Your patronage is greatly appreciated; be an author, editor, subscribe or Donate.


Disability Insurance Replenishment Tax Act of 2012 HA-18-6-12




To amend the DI tax rate to 2.61%, 1.305% for employees and 1.305% for employers under Sec. 201(b)(1)(S) of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)II§401 and the OASI tax rate to 9.79%, 4.895% for employee under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3101 (a) and 4.895% for employers under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3111 (a) and without increasing the overall 12.4% OASDI or 15.3% OASDI and Hospital Insurance (HI) tax-rate under 26USC(A)(2)§1401. 




To require the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration (SSA) to account for the Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) Program and for the Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare-Medicaid Services (CMS) to account for Medicaid in the Annual Reports of the OASDI and HI Trustees and for the USDA to account for sustainable Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) growth.




To amend the 6 year term of the Commissioner to 2 years under Section 702 of Title VII the Social Security Act 42USC(7)VII§902(a)(3).




To amend Sec. 215(i) 42USC(7)II§415 and Sec. 1617(a) 42USC(7)XVI§1382f  of the Social Security Act to provide simply – there shall be a 3% annual Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA).




To amend the title of Section 1818(a)(4) of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)(XVIII)§1395i–2 from Hospital Insurance Benefits for Uninsured Elderly Individuals Not Otherwise Eligible to Medicaid Benefits for Individuals Not Otherwise Eligible.


Be the Democratic and Republican (DR) two party systems dissolved, Actuary, Commissioner and Trustees recused, referred to the SSA Regional Commissioner Stanley Friendship.


GI, Pancreas and Liver: Pathology and Non-surgical Intervention HA-31-5-12


The digestive system comprises the mouth, liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, ileococal valve, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, small intestines and sigmoid colon.  A typical adult human in the United States imbibes 2 liters of fluid per day, to which is added 1 liter of saliva; 2 liters of gastric juice; 1 liter of bile; 2 liters of pancreatic juice; and 1 liter of intestinal secretions.  Of these 9 liters of fluid presented to the intestine, less than 200 gm of stool are excreted per day, of which 65 to 85% is water.  Diarrhea is perceived as the body’s production of more than 4/5 cups (0.2 L) of stool a day.   Low-volume, painful, bloody diarrhea is known as dysentery.  Gastro-intestinal disease accounts for about 10% of all illness, as well as 10% of general practitioner consultations, 8.5% of prescriptions and 8.3% of the cost of inpatient treatment.  It is responsible 8.8% of days of certified incapacity to work and 10% of all deaths. Traditionally, the most highly effective remedy for vomiting and acute diarrhea, with or without blood, is white rice water.  Symptoms usually stop the instant the patient eats the rice.  Imodium (Loperamide) is the standard treatment for diarrhea.  Traveler’s diarrhea caused by E. coli infection is treated with Bactrim (Trimethoprim and Sulphamethoxazole).  For the treatment of peptic and duodenal ulcers there are antacids, anti-emetics, Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and antihistamine H-2 receptor antagonists. Aminosalicylates are immune-suppressants used to treat ulcerative colitis, proctitis and Crohn's disease.  Metronidazole (Flagyl ER) deserves special mention because it is a uniquely useful antibiotic in the treatment of diarrhea and intra-abdominal infections (including ulcers, appendicitis, peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, liver abscess and antibiotic associated colitis caused by antibiotic resistant C, difficile). Prolonged use of any antidiarrheal agent is discouraged.  Carcinogenesis of the digestive tract does not usually occur until after a decade of chronic disease, specifically Hepatitis B and ulcerative colitis (UC), but is always a possibility.  Hygiene, diet (elimination diets and white rice water), B12 and folate containing multi-vitamins and homeopathic remedies are the mainstay treatment for chronic diarrhea. Fecal transplant seems safe and effective.


Appendix to $45 Million Ashland Watershed Evaluation of Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon: $25 Million One-Time Cost of Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority HA-6-5-12


$45 million are requested to begin liquidating the $47 billion of un-administrated TARP “distressed homeowner funds” at a rate of up to $153 per capita (ie. $31 million for Jackson County) for (1) 100% of the $25 million costs of Ashland joining B Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority (BCVSA) (2) Replacing aging water pipes, projected cost is $6.6 million (3) Building a water storage tank for firefighting purposes, projected cost is $8.7 million.  (4) Enclosing the Talent Irrigation District ditch (T.I.D), projected cost is $1.1 million. (5) Building the Talent/Ashland/Phoenix line (TAP Intertie) for access to potable water during emergencies, projected cost is $2.1 million. (6) 75-85% of the cost of Dredging Reeder Reservoir twice to insure against potential damages of the Forest Service ski resort development permit. (7) $100,000 for flood hazard mitigation dead tree removal and backhoe rental on Ashland and Bear Creeks.  (8) Ashland Homeless Shelter $20,000 annually; $400,000 over 20 years. 


Second Reading: Release Assange and Manning HA-31-1-12


As of January 30, 2012 WikiLeaks  website reports that the organization has undergone 423 days of banking blockade - no process; Julian Assange has been subjected to 420 days detainment no charge.  Bradley Manning had been subjected to 617 days incarceration in a U.S. military prison - no brief.  I was first asked to take the case of Julian Assange in December 2010 around the time Interpol issued a warrant for his arrest and released him on bail a week later.  I declined to take the case at the time because he was not actually in prison and I felt my actions were more likely to jeopardize his life than help his case.  In 2011 An Open Letter from the Members of the European Parliament expressed concern for the human rights of Bradley Manning.  U.S. Congress responded by abolishing the death penalty in espionage and censorship statute that now provides victim compensation at 18USC(I)(37)§793(h)(4) and 18USC(I)(37)§794(d)(4).  When I was reminded of Bradley Manning’s unlawful detention in November 2011 by the courageous work of Deb Van Poolen who sponsored a candlelight vigil with a coalition of advocacy organizations before going to Washington D.C. on hunger strike for Bradley Manning, in the New Year, I resolved to cover Wikileaks, as one of two cases for “Jail January” 2012.  The Supreme Court of Sweden quickly moved for a February 2012 ruling on Julian Assange.  Charges against Bradley Manning must be dismissed under Rule 907 of the Manual for Courts Martial.  Mercy, No further action need be taken to investigate or prosecute the European arrest warrant of Julian Assange under Chapter 11 Article 13(2) of the Constitution of Sweden.   N.A.T.O. may pay victim compensation for the Collateral Murder Video released 5 April 2010


Tutorial on Psychiatric Drug Abuse HA-18-4-12


Psychiatric drug abuse has become rife since the closure of many psychiatric hospitals in the latter half of the 20th century without completing discrediting the slave trade and shifting Medicare and Medicaid payments from psychiatry and mental health to social workers with access to HUD Section 8 and SSI.  Hypnotic, sedative and antipsychotic drugs are the leading cause of fatal drug overdose, 15% of fatalities reported to the Poison Control Center. Dementia may be caused by statin drugs. The pharmaculture in foster care is known for being particularly excessive.  The 20% rise in the autism diagnostic tic this decade is quite likely to be caused by one time exposure to atypical antipsychotics or Ritalin that can be treated with one dose of antiparkinsonian drugs, ie. benztropine (Cogentin) or Amantadine (Symmetrel).  This is not the first time that psychiatric drug side-effects have had dramatic epidemiologic consequences.  Thalidomide was recalled when it was found to cause birth defects.  The doubling in the rate of diabetes in the United States can be traced to the marketing of Olanzapine (Zyprexa) by the Indiana Corporation Eli Lilly.  Atypical antipsychotics seem to have been designed to cause tics with one regular dose, a symptom that took a year to develop a permanent untreatable condition of tardive dyskinesia with standard antipsychotics.  Risperidone (Risperdal) seems to be the only atypical antipsychotic that doesn’t cause sedation or muscular side-effects.  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) have replaced Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) for the treatment of chronic anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression.  Although its manufacturer, Eli Lilly, claims is causes no side-effects Fluoxetine (Prozac) is known by the FDA to cause over 200 side-effects.  Paroxetine (Paxil), Fluvoxamine (Luvox) and Citalopram (Celexa) can be purchased online. The antidepressant Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) has been found to improve the outcome of smoke cessation by 50%.  For stress management there is no substitute for independent athletic scholarship.  For optimal performance a vegan diet, daily exercise, newspaper and magazine reading are needed.  To solve mental problems check out the relevant books from the library, do push-ups and sit-ups between chapters, jog daily, apply notes to your citation of statute and turn in your homework.    


Defective Columbia ™ and Nike Lunarlon™  Running Shoe Reflex HA-10-4-12


Approximately 80 percent of all foot problems can be attributed to ill-fitting footwear.  After my Nike and Brooks collaborative running shoes wore out I bought Nike Lunalon™ running shoes whose plastic heel brace broke in less than a week and pierced the cloth to press against the Achilles tendon of my right foot, I went through five pairs of running shoes in the gouty month of March.  This is the first time the Nike™ has failed me.  I unfortunately returned the Goodwill cross-trainers that might have made me strong to the free box and became crippled with sesamoiditis of the left big toe targeted by two of the running shoes.  This crippling injury was caused by a dimple in the cheapest new running shoe in the store that developed in the rain after running two marathons in a week.  The Columbia™ display with the same big toe joint dimple strongly implies a manufacturer’s defect.  Both Columbia™ and Nike™ clearly need industrial communication and collaboration to procure gout free running shoe textile fabric under the Federal Trade Commission Act to help justify the voluntary recall of these defective products.  The best approach to recovery from foot injuries are periods of two week increments.  Painful activity must be stopped completely for five days to two weeks.  Treat with ice and crutches.  In 1994 there were about 140,000 job-related foot injuries, 40,000 of them toe injuries, causing an estimated $3.5 billion in economic damages. Studies show that 75 percent of Americans experience foot problems of a greater or lesser degree of seriousness at some time in their lives. Tinea pedis fungus is implicated in 99% of athlete’s foot and nail infections.  Foot bacteria also flourishes in moisture.  Elder care prescribes antifungal foot powder.  The effectiveness of oral antifungals is 60-80%.  The re-infection rate is 15% but can be as high as 25% in diabetics.  Serious adverse reactions are less than 0.5% and this class of pharmaceutical antifungals leads to NOXAFIL (posaconazole oral suspension) the primary prophylaxis of aspergillosis in immunocompromised individuals at high risk of invasive disease (i.e., neutropenic patients with acute myelogenous leukemia [AML] or myelodysplastic syndrome [MDS], hematopoietic stem cell transplant [HSCT] recipients with graft-versus-host disease [GVHD]).  Reflexologists are recommended to prescribe antibiotics for heart disease, metronidazole (Flagyl ER) for non-cancerous liver disease, treated with Human Immune Globulin IV in cases of cancer, so often denied, as well as the broad spectrum antifungal Sporonox (itraconazole) and Lamisil (terbinifine hydrochloride) for Tinea pedis.          


Book 1 Military Diplomacy (MD)


To transfer Chapter One Navy Hospitals, Naval Home, Army and other Naval Hospital, and Hospital Relief for Seamen and Others §1-40 to Chapter 10 Armed Forces Retirement Home §400-435 and write a new Book.  This Chapter shall change the name of the Department of Defense (DoD) to the Military Department (MD).  The US Military employs an estimated 2.8 million US citizens including 600,000 civilian employees.  Since its foundation the US military has suffered nearly 1.3 million casualties in 13 wars.  There are reported to be 26.4 million US veterans.  The U.S. is on track to reduce their arsenal from 10,000 warheads, to no more than 1,700 to 2,200 nuclear warheads by 2012.  Eliminating various Cold War weapons systems can save $50 billion from maintenance, redeployment from Iraq and Afghanistan can save another $50 billion.  Surplus military bases and assets shall be sold and surplus funds returned to the Treasury.  Military spending must be limited to $500 billion annually.  Military commanders must prohibit the use of force, environmental modification and biological experimentation.  Compensation must be paid by the State for casualty, injury and property damage to civilians caused by military actions.  For lower cost humanitarian missions the US shall veto Chapter VII of the UN Charter and promote humanitarian missions that pay payroll and corporate taxes, less social insurance and deductibles, to the general treasury of any occupied developing nation.  Democratic peace theory holds that liberal democracies tend to be more peaceful than authoritarian or totalitarian states…51


Book 9 Public Health Department (PHD)


To amend Chapter 9 Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Nationals Returned from Foreign Countries §321-329 that was transferred to Chapter 4.  Common infectious diseases accounted for 40% of all deaths in 1900 but they accounted for only 4% of all deaths in 2000. Cardiovascular disease (CVD; heart disease and stroke) accounted for 14% of all deaths in 1900 and for 37% in 2000. Cancer accounted for only 4% of all deaths in 1900 but for 23% in 2000.  In 1900, infant mortality was 162 per 1,000 live births and life expectancy at birth was only 47 years. In 1940, infant mortality was 63 per 1,000 live births and life expectancy was 55 years. In 2000, infant mortality was 7 per 1,000 and life expectancy was 77 years.  In the 20th century considerable progress was made eradicating communicable diseases, in the 21st century medical science must begin to communicate about the laboratory pathogens that are theoretically causing the vast majority of non-communicable diseases for which institutional Ethics Committees are a more promising cure than science.  People suffering from chronic illnesses must throw away their war-robes and death beds, eat a vegan diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and exercise regularly.  Medical residency rotations must be limited to less than 60 hours per week.  Payments to highly paid specialists must be reduced and primary care promoted.  To secure people against the dangers of the Public Health Service (PHS) and at long last, graduate from the Department of Health Education and Welfare (HEW) the Centers for Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP (CMS) shall change their name to National Health Insurance (NHI) and be transferred with all other Mandatory Benefit programs to the management of the Social Security Administration (SSA). Children’s Health insurance shall be financed with 100% of the proceeds of the Attorney General’s Master Tobacco Settlement.  The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) shall change its name to Social Work Administration (SWA) and in time become an independent social work agency also responsible for the Agency on Aging and Children and Family Services.  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) shall change its name to the Drug Evaluation Agency (DEA) and be transferred to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Whereupon the DHHS may adopt the name Public Health Department (PHD) on the condition that an Education Division (ED) to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) be created to secure toxic laboratory supplies.  Epidemiologic statistics shall be improved.  The abuse of bio-medical laboratory supplies is prohibited and trans-fats banned…1288