Hospitals & Asylums    





Fall Equinox Edition


Vol. 6 Is. 3


This Fall Equinox Edition circumstances compel me to request of you a fee.  HA has been served quarterly for free since 2001 and monthly since 2005.  The fact that I have steadily grown poorer as HA makes trillions of dollars is disturbing.  Societies that transfer enormous sums of money without compensating the author of such economics are not performing credibly and difficult to trust.  Can one accept as bona fide $100 billion from an organization that canÕt pay their worker a poverty line income?  Can such a princely sum then even be accepted as real if the individual gets no sustenance there from? What we are talking about is the GovernmentÕs responsibility to compensate the author for writing laws that are so true to science that they are either immediately passed or form the foundation of contemporary knowledge.  While it is true States are so resourceful that they can get away with disrespecting a worker and officials so petty that this offense to the dignity of the author, pretending he/she doesnÕt exist, either appeals to their ego or is construed to be the best interest of the State.  Plato and Aristotle addressed this problem in terms of equal rights.  The philosophers explained that government officials tend to equate equal rights only amongst people of a similar status, thus all officials of equal rank are entitled to respect but the common citizens none.  In practice all the revenues that are collected from the people are given to the public officials who then distribute it amongst themselves, when they donÕt make war with particularly merit-worthy citizens who put their plans to shame.  As a principle it is exactly this sort of bias that equal rights seeks to overcome.  For the purpose of doing business, we must deal with everyone without discrimination, particularly those who do good service, who we must be particularly careful not to abuse or neglect, or our indebtedness will become burdensome.  Koffi Annan has explained that we must not hide and stagnate in the UN system of States but cooperate with scholars, civil society, private corporations, individuals and youths, if we are to succeed.


For the Millennium Development Goals to work money must flow, like osmosis, from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.  To be a good scientific test subject in this experiment on making a living wage writing ÒgoodÓ law in a world of bad money, I must demonstrate my need.  First, I am an individual who lives 50% below the national poverty line.  Second, website fees are due in November and I need $200 to pay.  Third, also in November my lease is expiring and it is high time to join the refugees and move to a community that upholds minimal standards of human rights and this takes a poverty line income to afford.  Having established need not only exists but falls within the threshold of the Millennium Development Goals for weeks at a time, there is the issue value to address.  The fact that my constitutional law settled the Madrid Conference which was the largest settlement in the history of international law that remains to be repeated for the benefit of Afghan citizens compels one to find that I am entitled to a reasonable settlement there-from.  Having furthermore balanced both the federal budget and Official Development Atlas one wonders why I am poor at all.  What sort of governments donÕt pay their only worker?  The answer is of course poor governments.  This issue the personal claims for relief can be found in Jose Antonio Ocampo v. Luis Moreno Ocampo that seeks $2,400 for work as promised and the economic service required to secure the $1 million promised by Euro Millions Lottery International and the Hearing AID Act of 2007 that continues to petition for the $100,000 annual fee for the fourth year from the USA for this trillion dollar decade that has already been publicly secured by Bank One and is now advocated by the ONE campaign and work.  Hospitals & Asylums v. Health Alliance sets forth a $250,000 declaratory judgment for this false arrest and social security $15,000 back pay and $1,000 a month.  Private and unsolicited donations are also accepted and any contribution valued over $24 will be recorded in the Members list and contributor served with the monthly journal unless secrecy is requested. Thank you for keeping this public service solvent.


Justice of the Peace Act of 4 July 2006 HA-4-7-06


The fourth annual Independence Day Draft restores faith in justice as a constitutional government that defends our fundamental rights and freedoms.  Numerous judicial reforms are argued for the first time.  A Justice of the Peace in every County.  A Justice in Peace Palace.  Not more than two five year term limits for Justice of the US Supreme Court.  A county attorney and International Criminal Court attorney rather than prosecutor.  Forfeiture of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to a civil and non-colonial International Tribunal for Eastern Europe.  Renumber the UN General Assembly Legal Committee from 6th Committee to 8th Committee establishing a 6th Committee: Health and Science, 7th Committee: Religious Committee.  Release and repatriate PoW and close all camps.  Abolish the NSA and Swift domestic spying programs by armed forces.  Rename the US Court of International Trade (COITUS) to US International Tribunal (USIT).  WHO seizes the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).  UN Secretary General renames the Office of Drugs and Crime to just Office of Crime.  Judicial elections for federal attorney general.  Found enough community based corrections programs to cut the US prison population in half to reduce the crime rate independently.  Anthony J. Sanders v. Anthony J. Coppolino,  Antonio Jose Ocampo v. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Emiliano Gonzalez v. Alberto Gonzalez.


Hearing AID Act of 2007 HA-20-9-06


This year the World Summit appears to be cancelled.  The High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development United Nations General Assembly will be held 14-15 September 2006, the Midterm Comprehensive Global Review of the Program of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2000-2010 18-19 September and the General Debate 19-29 September are to be held without the auspice of the World Summit.  Countercyclical, technical and UN Charter Amendment issues are addressed in this fourth draft. The major development of the year is the publication of the 5 regional chapters of the SUN that is balanced annually in one compehensible table.  The reforms caused by this review will bring proportional distributive justice to the UN system making the most significant changes in the amount of aid flow to India and China out of respect for their status as most populous and developing.  Consideration will be increased for least developed nations in Africa and also in America and Asia, proportionally through the allocation of international social security funding where it is needed most. Although in some areas the number of poor people are increasing the world as a whole is on track to meet the target of cutting in half the proportion of people living on a dollar a day or less by 2015.


General Debate of the World Assembly HA-19-9-06 

Every year in September, the leaders of the world gather for two weeks in New York for the general debate, normally called the World Summit, which kicks off the United Nations General Assembly session. The 2006 debate begins on 19 September, and over the course of ten days, more than 80 Heads of State and Government will address the Assembly. Some of the themes to be debated include the issue of Darfur, the Middle East conflict, HIV/AIDS, climate change and development, as well as the selection of the next Secretary-General.  The United Nations should provide the leadership within the community of multilateral organizations to help the poorer nations develop the capacity to profit from globalization and the knowledge revolution. Global developments reiterate the universal validity of the need to respect human rights and personal freedoms of individuals as basic prerequisites to the freedom of nations.

Chapter XII of the UN Charter: International Taxation System HA-16-9-06

This Treaty Amends the UN Charter at Chapter XII International Trusteeship System Arts. 75-85 as ordered in paragraph 177 of the Draft Outcome Document 13 September 2005 of the World Summit to establish an international system of social security taxation that appears on the pay-stubs of workers and beneficiaries worldwide.  To deliver this message the word taxation or social security is inserted wherever trusteeship is mentioned.  Cross referencing has been redone.  The categories are changed in Art. 77 to recognized the obligations of least developed countries, middle income developing nations and donor nations.  Correlates taxation to the administration of social security benefits and mandates the rate of 0.7% of the GDP or 1% of the GNI for wealthy nations.  Administration shall occur on the basis of the national poverty line.  The objective is to promote the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the Member States.


Chapter XIII of the UN Charter: Human Rights Council HA-16-9-06


This treaty amends Chapter XIII of the UN Charter Arts. 86-91 Trusteeship Council for the Human Rights Council as ordered in the Outcome Document of the 2005 World Summit of 22 September 2005 and established in General Assembly Resolution A/60/251 Human Rights Council of 3 April 2006.  The Council shall comprise between 30 and 50 members, each serving for a period of three years, to be elected directly by the General Assembly, by a two-thirds majority. The Council will be the organ primarily responsible for promoting universal respect for and observance and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner, recognizing their indivisible, inalienable and interrelated culture. 


Substantive Session of ECOSOC HA-18-7-06

In a Globalised world and an economy undergoing constant change we stress the importance of the collaboration between the local, national and international level to achieve full employment and decent work for all.  ECOSOC has always been the UNÕs principal body for coordinating and advancing development policy.  ECOSOC coordinates the work of the 14 UN specialized agencies, 10 functional commissions and 5 regional commissions, receives reports from 10 UN funds and programmes and issues policy recommendations to the UN system and to Member States. The 54-member Council meets every year, alternating between New York and Geneva. ECOSOC should be the political- and policy-level global forum for making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.  A place where ministers commit, and are held accountable for action on those commitments. Such change can make ECOSOC the development parliament of the United Nations.  Every day, 30,000 children die of preventable diseases, and every minute, a woman dies because of complications in pregnancy and childbirth.  In the 1990s, some 60 countries in various parts of the world actually grew poorer.  Today, nearly 3 billion people subsist on less than $2 a day, the same number as 10 years ago.  Clean drinking water remains out of reach for more than 1 billion people, while environmental degradation continues to render once fertile soils incapable of supporting the most basic needs of families.  The Millennium Development Goals present an opportunity for ECOSOC to rally around a concrete set of clear, universally acclaimed and achievable targets. 

Holocaust Prevention HA-13-9-06

"Each individual State has the responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity", declared the Outcome Document adopted by the United Nations at the 2005 World Summit in September. Historically, genocide and crimes against humanity had an uneasy relationship. Genocide required physical destruction of an ethnic group, while crimes against humanity spoke to a spectrum of acts of persecution, falling short of extermination. The Completion Strategy (S/2002/678) called on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to take all possible measures to complete investigations by the end of 2004, to complete all trial activities at first instance by the end of 2008, and to complete all work in 2010.

Jose Antonio Ocampo v. Luis Moreno-Ocampo HA-22-6-06

In this brief, the author, Mr. Anthony Joseph Sanders, hopes to identify with Mr. Jose Antonio Ocampo, the Under Secretary

General of Economic and Social Affairs since September 2003, with whom the author ostensibly registered his non-governmental

organization, Hospitals & Asylums, in January  Damages to HA caused by corruption in the Hague require repair in two forms for

harmony to be restored:  First, the unjustified severance of relations without trial by ECOSOC of HA is sought to be redressed.

Second, Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, is sought to discipline the ICTY and pay

Reparation of $2,400 for the secured investment by the UN in a $1 million win explained in this article.


International Bar Association ICC Monitoring and Outreach Programme HA-27-6-06


The International Bar Association (IBA) Human Rights Institute Report ÒICC Monitoring and Outreach ProgrammeÓ First Outreach

Report of June 2006.  Whereas there is significant evidence that the criminal tribunals and court engage in secret communications and

bio-terrorist plots with the very misbehaving prosecutors and generals that are brought before them for discipline we must protect

ourselves from being overrun by the potential for fascist revolution presented by the Hague at its current status quo by assuring that

all communications are served upon the relevant Bar Association so that they are not dealing in the dark with the criminals they are

sworn to protect us against Ð prosecutors and generals.   The ICC and tribunals must cooperate exclusively with the Bar Association

in their relations and communications with states and non governmental organizations. 


Bank Afghanistan Day HA-9-11-06


On this fifth anniversary of the suicide attacks that knocked down the World Trade Center in New York City and crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC we remember the innocent civilians who died and the emergency professionals who perished in the collapse of the WTC.  Although it is true the US suffered a terrorist attack in this day in 2001 the US did their fair share bombings in the War on Terrorism.  Following my estimates and in the spirit of my draft constitution the US settled $20 billion that was matched with $13 billion at the Madrid conference in September 2003.  It is time to bring Bank Afghanistan Day in time with the 9-11 tragedy so that the message that accompanies their $20 billion US is clearly opposed to terrorism.  After the London Conference on Afghanistan international development assistance available for Afghanistan National Development Strategy from March 2006 increased to $10,500 million, $4 billion from the US.  The US owes another $8 billion for reparations and reconstruction before settling into 50 years at a rate of $1.6 billion annually.


Amendment to the Constitution of Korea HA-6-7-06


North Korean missile testing disrupted the 4th of July celebration in the United States.  The UN Security has agreed to make a statement regarding this misconduct.  Wherefore the Draft Constitution of Korea, also known as the Treaty Establishing the Korean Union, has been amended at Art. 53(2) to, ÒTerminate nuclear weapons and missile testing on the PeninsulaÓ.  The significance of this sanction is that nuclear testing is now a pre-requisite for Kim Jong Il to be elected King of Korea.  He is now responsible for (1) Publicly apologizing for his fatherÕs war against South Korea. (2) Terminating nuclear weapons and missile testing on the Peninsula. (3) Reducing the unified 1.2 million man North Korean army to fewer than 750,000. (4) Removing the wall separating the North and South. (5) Guaranteeing all Koreans a per diem income greater 1,000 South Korean won by means of a social security system regulated by a Single Korean Yearbook and Administrator.


Terms of Truce Between Israel and Lebanon HA-15-7-06


The terms of the truce between Israel and Lebanon are simple.  Israel shall strictly respect the territorial integrity and political independence of Lebanon and immediately cease military action against and withdraw forces from Lebanon.  In return Lebanon shall discipline the Hizbollah who, as a nongovernmental organization, shall repatriate their prisoners of war and can no longer be permitted to bear or trade in arms or run for Parliament or Government office until they have satisfactorily demonstrated that they respect the division between political and military power.  Having disciplined Hizbollah, under Lebanese law as explained in this treaty, Israel shall pay reparations for the damages caused to Lebanese people and property. If this peace treaty goes smoothly the UNIFIL Mission will be terminated as planned on 31 July 2006 and relations along the border will take place between Lebanese and Israeli soldiers trained to cooperate, without a third party.


Ahmed Omar Abu Ali v. US Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights HA-22-6-06


Ahmed Omar Abu-Ali is an American citizen who was falsely convicted of providing material support to the al Qaeda terrorist

network.  Born in Houston, Texas and raised in Falls Church, Virginia, Abu Ali was valedictorian of his class at the Islamic Saudi

Academy high school in nearby Alexandria. In June 2003, he was arrested in Saudi Arabia while taking his final exams at the Islamic

University of Medina. Twenty months later (Febuary 2005), he was transferred to US custody.  The case of Achmed Omar Abu

Ali began as a victory for the United States against Saudi Arabia under Art. 14 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,

Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 26 June 1987 that states, Òthe State shall ensure in its legal system that the victim

of an act of torture obtains redress and has an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full

rehabilitation as possibleÓ and Art. 14(6) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 23 March 1976, that states,

Òwhen a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed

or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of

justice, the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to lawÓ. However, as

the result of the indictment being categorically false is now entitled to mandatory restitution from a US probation officer.


Randy ÒDukeÓ Cunningham ex rel v. The House of Representatives HA-7-7-06


California Republican congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham traded military contracts for $2.4 million in antiques, cash, and other booty. He is sentenced to jail, but his case exposed a world of bribery, booze, and broads that reaches into the Pentagon, the C.I.A., and Congress. In November, Cunningham's heroic image came crashing down, and his swagger evaporated when he pleaded guilty to accepting $2.4 million in bribes from military contractors in exchange for pressuring the Pentagon to buy their products and services. In March, Cunningham was sentenced to eight years and four months in prison- the harshest sentence ever received by an ex-congressman for corruption.  Congress would like to permit their former member to trade in his former life of military finance in return for the payment of insurance benefits to retired employees.  Wherefore there is an absence of a reasonable likelihood of rehabilitation in the criminal cases against Randy ÒDukeÓ Cunningham and his friends, Brent Wilkes and his protŽgŽ Mitchell Wade, et al, they must be dismissed to the House for counseling in regards to the terms of their probation, as a question of privilege under Rule IX of the 109th House Rules


Hospitals & Asylums v. Health Alliance HA-9-9-06


Case regarding 15 days of unlawful restraint in a psychiatric hospital.  Deals with the ethical issue of payment with welfare fraud case loans by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and discipline of the conspirators.  Makes plans for an estimated $25 million investment in community housing by the Health Alliance to overcome psychiatric hospital bed surplus.  Calls for the slavery free Probate Court to change their name to Justice of the Peace.  Arranges for the Board of Mental Health to oversee all psychiatric hospitalizations with timely and resourceful hearings.  Makes plans to discontinue the consumption of psychiatric medication until such a time when smoke stopping is voluntary.  Calls for the settlement of the social security claim for $1,000 a month retroactive through 2003 for $15,000 back pay.  Lays down a $250,000 social security settlement for Health Alliance by 23 September 2006 in apology for this false arrest of Hospitals & Asylums that increases to a $1 million professional settlement, if delinquent. 

Poison Control HA-25-7-06

In this Directive it is hoped for the community to return to the tried and true philosophy of, Poison Control, to protect the immunity of witnesses from bio-terrorism, in a post 9-11 world.  People living in the community, in hospitals and in detention centers; who become victims of torture are entitled to reparation by means of honest physical exams by unbiased physicians and emergency professionals who neither divulge their patientÕs secrets, nor fail to diagnose and treat their patients medical symptoms, nor embark upon dangerous medical procedures when it is likely that the evidence used to make the diagnosis may be tampered by a third party.  Biological, radiological and chemical weapons are strictly prohibited.  It is a crime for even courts, emergency professionals and medical staff, to possess biological weapons, that is punished with up to 10 years in prison, 20 years if torture resulted or up to life in prison, if death results.  Typically the discovery of the employment of poison in a community results in the issuance of official warnings to those convicted of a first offense with consideration given to the removal from office of all people involved.  Toxic substances must be properly destroyed by trained and protected professionals who keep confidential records for the public health examiner. 


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Anthony J. Sanders

Hospitals & Asylums

451 Ludlow Ave. #212

Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
