Hospitals & Asylums    


January 2006


Bureau of Economic Analysis Resolution for Fiscal Year HA-1-1-06


Will FY 2006 be a bull or bear market?  Having balanced the budget in 2005 HA resolves to entertain the dispute regarding the overestimated $12.2 trillion US GDP in 2006 by reconciling the advanced economic study of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) with the $6.4 trillion income estimates of the US Census in 2000 overshadowed by the $9 trillion public debt of the federal government so we can make progress under the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA) or overthrow the vague regime of UN Statistics regarding the calculation of the GDP in table 2.4 by simplifying the calculation for the Gross domestic product à (Per capita income x population) + Taxation = GDP to harmonize the national economic administration Table with the census: 


Ecosystems and human well-being: Health synthesis HA-5-1-06


Review of the World Health Organization report released in 2005.  Over 1 billion people lack access to safe water supplies; 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation. This has led to widespread microbial contamination of drinking water. Water-associated infectious diseases claim 3.2 million lives each year, approximately 6% of all deaths globally.  Aggregate food production currently is sufficient to meet the needs of all, yet of the present world population of over 6 billion, over 800 million consume insufficient protein or calories to meet daily minimum requirements.  Worldwide, under-nutrition accounts for nearly 10% of the burden of disease.  Human activities are responsible for an annual emission of an estimated 7.9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


Help Prevent Looming Starvation of Refugees in Zambia HA-8-1-06

Faced with severe shortages of food and funding, the United Nations World Food Programme this week began slashing by half its food rations to refugees in Zambia so it can stretch existing provisions over the next two months.  But the newly measured combination of cereals, beans, vegetable oil and other foods will only last until the beginning of March, creating dire circumstances for the 80,000 Angolan and Congolese refugees now living in camps and settlements in this southern African nation.  The agency needs $8.5 million over the next 12 months but donor response has been poor.

New Sentence Describing HA HA-13-1-06

The 2006 Regular Session of the Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations 19-27 January 2006 in New York may describe the general consultative relationship between HA and the UN in one parliamentary sentence, by writing:

“Hospitals & Asylums (HA) is a nongovernmental US rule of law devoted to upholding scientific international development and human rights standards 

Why MLK, Jr. Would Be Pleased HA-16-1-06


A Mind Freedom Delegation is entering the United Nations for Meetings on Disability and Human Rights that began this Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2006 which could lead to an international binding treaty that includes the human rights of people diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. MLK said, there are certain words in the technical vocabulary of every academic discipline that tend after a while to become stereotype and cliché, there is a word in modern psychology which is now probably more familiar than any other words in psychology. It is the word - maladjusted; it is the ringing cry of the new child, psychology -- maladjusted.  But I want to leave saying to you that there are some things in our social system that I'm proud to be maladjusted to, and I call upon you to be maladjusted to. I never intend to adjust myself to the viciousness of lynch mobs; I never intend to become adjusted to the evils of segregation and discrimination; I never intend to become adjusted to the tragic inequalities of the economic system which will take necessity from the masses to give luxury to the classes; I never intend to become adjusted to the insanity's of militarism, the self-defeating method of physical violence.

Gonzalez v.
Oregon HA-17-1-06


The US Supreme Court decided that the CSA does not allow the Attorney General to prohibit doctors from prescribing regulated drugs for use in physician-assisted suicide under state law permitting the procedure.  The Oregon Death With Dignity Act exempts from civil or criminal liability state-licensed physicians who, dispense or prescribe a lethal dose of drugs upon the request of a terminally ill patient. 9 November 2001, the Attorney General issued an Interpretive Rule to address the implementation and enforcement of the CSA with respect to ODWDA, declaring that using controlled substances to assist suicide is not a legitimate medical practice and that dispensing or prescribing them for this purpose is unlawful under the CSA.  The Hippocratic Oath states, “I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel…to protect the pure and holy way I will guard my life and teaching”.


Organizational Session of ECOSOC HA-19-1-06


The Substantive Session of ECOSOC and the high level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, WTO and UNCTAD last spring provided an opportunity to discuss the economic, social and environmental agenda of the Summit. We have achieved a significant breakthrough in the outcome document of the World Summit that assigned the ECOCOC with new mandates and functions in order to advance the UN development agenda.  We should see these as ways to life millions of people from the life of deprivation and destitution.  The 2005 World Summit made it resoundingly clear that this, in today’s terms, is the raison d’etre for ECOSOC – to help drive implementation of the internationally agreed development goals.   With the decision to perform the annual ministerial level reviews, we now have a mechanism for a truly unified approach to tracking and evaluating progress towards the goals.  These reviews could provide a meaningful picture of overall implementation, especially if enriched by national presentations and voluntary reviews.


UN Chronicle: Oceans, Coasts and Islands HA-20-1-06                                                                           
The Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and
Islands is being held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris from 23 to 28 January 2006. Organized by the Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts and Islands, among the meeting's major goals are to raise awareness on these subjects, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and to mobilize resources to address these issues. Small island developing States (SIDS) are not just islands; they also include low-lying coastal countries that share similar sustainable development challenges, including small population, lack of resources, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, excessive dependence on international trade and vulnerability to global developments. Highly environmentally and economically vulnerable, SIDS are severely limited in their capacities to respond to the challenges they face and to adequately recover from incessant disasters.


UN Chronicle: The Holocaust: Remembrance and Beyond HA-25-1-06


Headquarters at the United Nations Department of Public Information will hold the first observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust on 27 January 2006, the date in 1945 when the largest Nazi death camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland) was liberated by Soviet troops.  The tragedy of the Holocaust, which resulted in the annihilation of 6 million European Jews by the Nazis.  To pay tribute to the victims we must never to stop trying to make this a more humane and peaceful world.    


Civil Rights Act of 2006 HA-27-1-06


A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege for an individual, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, assembly, the right to vote, freedom from slavery and involuntary servitude, and the right to equality in public places.  Discrimination occurs when the civil rights of an individual are denied or interfered with because of their membership in a particular group or class. Statutes have been enacted to prevent discrimination based on a persons race, sex, religion, age, previous condition of servitude, physical limitation, national origin and in some instances sexual preference.  This Act reviews Civil Rights in the US and makes two amendments to the Statute first, to ratify the Optional Protocols to the International Bill of Rights, Torture Convention and Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to confer right to the individual and second, to set forth a 10 Year Community Based Corrections Equality Plan.  


Model Rules of Community Corrections HA-31-1-06


The US prison population strangely quadrupled from 503,586 in 1981 to 2,135,901 in 2004 and we must focus upon geographically reducing the prison population to international acceptably levels <1 million, to <0.4% from >0.7% of the population. To manage a steady decline of the penal system for ten years without jeopardizing the peace the US will need to ensure that there are adequate community based corrections beds in every county or parish to accommodate all pre-trial defendants who do not present a serious risk of violence of flight or are on probation, parole or otherwise homeless.  The most innocent and reformed prisoners will be released first


Sanders, Tony J. Hospitals & Asylums. January 2006.,