Hospitals & Asylums    


New Sentence Describing Hospitals & Asylums HA-13-1-06

Anthony J. Sanders: 


1. The Regular Session of the Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations 19-27 January 2006 in New York may describe the general consultative relationship between HA and the UN in one parliamentary sentence, by writing:

“Hospitals & Asylums (HA) is a nongovernmental US rule of law devoted to upholding scientific international development and human rights standards 

2. This sentence has been drafted to serve as a birthday present for the author’s mother whose birthday falls on Friday the 13th, this 2006.  In Hollywood this day is considered particularly unlucky. The responsibility of HA in this relationship can be found in Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31, that directs non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in general and special consultative status to “submit to the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations through the Secretary-General every fourth year a brief report of their activities, specifically as regards the support they have given to the work of the United Nations” (Article 61-c). 

3. Hospitals & Asylums (HA applied to the DESA NGO Section on 21 May 2005.  The application seems to have been accepted as timely and it is hoped that a general consultative relationship between the UN and HA will be consented to by ECOSOC this January 2006. 

4. Justification and sympathy for the acceptance of HA for general consultative status can be found in General Comment No. 17 on the right of everyone to benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author at the 35th Session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights HA-1-12-05 of 7-27 November 2005 that was adopted on the 21st  establishes that there are three levels of obligations are imposed upon the state as the result of this right: to respect, protect and fulfill.  Respect requires that State parties refrain from interfering directly or indirectly with the right to benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests of the author.  The obligation to protect requires state parties to take measures to prevent third parties from interfering with the moral and material interests of the author.  Finally the obligation to fulfill requires the State to adopt appropriate legislative, administrative, budgetary, judicial promotional and other measures toward the full realization.  General Comment No. 3 paragraph 12 states that even in times of severe resource constraint the disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups in society must be protected by relatively low cost targeted programmes.  Such steps must be deliberate, concrete and targeted toward the full realization of everyone to benefit from the protection of moral and material benefits of works for which he or she is the author.  The progressive realization of this right over a period of time means that State Parties have a specific and continuing obligation to move expeditiously and effectively as possible towards the full realization.


5. In summary HA would like to address the issue of paying for the luxury of this general consultative relationship with the United Nations in money rather than merely in kind.  This is in fact, not solicited for by the NGO Section, and we will not confuse the Committee with what might be considered a bribe.  On the other hand HA is thankful for the fact that no attempt was made to extort money for the application process the applicant must do the preponderance of the work and in an ideal world would be entitled to money but none was requested.  The objective of HA in this consultative relationship is to heighten recognition of HA so HA is returned as the top Internet search engine response for Hospitals & Asylums and listed in human rights searches and to keep a head above the world table in regards to securing $24 annual dues + work State membership and consultative relationships with HA.  UN Publications has brought the concept of HA paying the UN a reasonable sum to light.  Every message says: To subscribe to the magazine, contact UN Publications at , call (800) 253-9646, or go to for details on a special internet offer of US$10 per year.  Please pass this UN Chronicle E-Alert on to anyone whom you think it might interest. For queries, call Belal Hassan at [212] 963-5115.          


6. Whereas the foundation of the HA international political campaign is actively engaged in encouraging all States to devote 1% of their taxable income to international development under Art. 23 of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development of 11 December 1969 the author feels compelled to relent in his plea of poverty in February and resolves to pay UN Publications $10 a year for continuing email service irregardless of the outcome of the Regular Session of the Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations 19-27 January 2006 in New York.


7. HA promises to continue monthly and quarterly HA email service to the UN for free in hopes of winning more voluntary contributions in kind from the Human Rights Committee and in effective $24 annual minimum contributions needed to make the HA list of members without being a like minded periodical publisher, responsive subscriber or dedicated researcher.

Sanders, Tony J. Hospitals & Asylums. New Sentence Describing Hospitals & Asylums (HA) HA-13-1-06 21 pgs.