Hospitals & Asylums    







United Nations Hospitals & Asylums Political Participation Year 2006

 By Anthony J. Sanders

Letter of Intent to the DESA NGO Section HA-21-5-05

Attachments: (1) Text

(2) Application                            

(3) Appendix


This is an application by Hospitals & Asylums (HA) for recognition by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as a non-governmental organization (NGO) with general consultative status made shortly after writing a statement for the 2005 Review Conference of the NPT HA-11-5-5, it was the first UN Conference reviewed by the NGO.  This letter of intent is submitted before 1st June 2005 so that the Committee on NGOs will be able to take up the application in the year 2006.  Whereas HA has made significant contributions to international human rights for two years since 2003 it is time for the NGO to file under Part IX 61(h) of the ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 that states, “An organization that applies for consultative status should attest that it has been in existence for at least two years as at the date of receipt of the application by the Secretariat.”   An official consultative relationship between ECOSOC and HA would greatly facilitate the Secretary General to realize the Millennium Goals.   On 10 December 2004 Koffi Annan called the report of the panel reviewing the first annual release of the Hearing AID Act of 2005, Chapter 5 of Hospitals & Asylums Statute (HAS), the “most sweeping reforms to the UN since its foundation.”  Whereas the General Assembly rewarded the Secretary-General with rare applause for this announcement, it is hoped that recognition of HA as an NGO would lend the words, Hospitals & Asylums (HA), to the tongue of the international community, so that the whole world would laugh… 


In one sentence, Hospitals & Asylums (HA) - unhappy with the human rights situation in the US makes amends for peace and equal rights with the UN.


The theme of ECOSOC for 2005 is "Towards achieving internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration".  The theme for 2006 is “Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in countries emerging from conflict”. E/2005/56 Towards achieving internationally agreed development goals including those contained in the Millennium Declaration reports- For those countries that do not have access to private financial flows, official development assistance (ODA) is a critical source of external financing. ODA has recovered from its decline in the 1990s, reaching $78.6 billion in 2004, a 4.6 per cent rise in real terms. While this recovery is encouraging, it is normally expected that ODA should provide new cash resources that allow recipient countries to increase development spending. However, a large portion of the recent increases in ODA has taken the form of expenditures on security and emergency relief.  At 66. Despite its recovery, ODA is just one quarter of 1 per cent of donor-countries’ national income. Only a handful of countries – Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden – currently meet or exceed the target of 0.7 per cent. Seven more donor countries have pledged to reach the target before 2015. The European Commission’s recent proposal to set an EU target of 0.56 per cent for 2010. This would trigger an estimated additional 20 billion euros by 2010. It would also bring EU countries closer to the target of 0.7 per cent by 2015. If all the new commitments made so far are honored, official aid is expected to exceed $100 billion by 2010. This would still be about $50 billion short of the ODA resources required to meet the MDGs, and well below the level required for other development goals. As recommended in the report of the Secretary-General for the September Summit, donors that have not already done so should establish timetables to achieve the 0.7 per cent target by no later than 2015, starting in 2006 and reaching 0.5 by 2009. Donors should also achieve the target of 0.20 per cent for ODA to least developed countries by 2009. Currently less than 30 per cent of total ODA reaches developing countries’ budgets.

HA has a democratically adopted constitution regulating the relationship between Hospitals & Asylums and the UN under Chapter 5 Agency for International Development (AID) that has been deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and which shall provide for the determination of international policy. Hospitals & Asylums work is dedicated to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies, with due attention to the social sciences and the humanities as well as natural sciences, pure and applied.  HA entered the international scene in 2003, guided by new demand for international peace HA research left the obscure US field of freedom as it applies to equal, human and civil rights in that state of in-justice, to find enough truth in peace to make the initial estimates for rights that represent the quantifiably largest single settlement of reparations for war or for any other developmental purpose in the history of international law.   After two years making significant contributions to the vast body of knowledge of the UN it is appropriate for ECOSOC begin to recognize and consult with HA as a NGO.


To fulfill the obligation delegated in the letter of intent to provide copies of (a)  Official proof of non-profit status, issued by public authorities, and tax exemption status (b)  A copy of the organization’s most recent annual budget or financial statement, the scholar has faithfully copied the documents framing the financial support that makes Hospitals & Asylums possible.  Due to the novelty of the NGO and the intellectual isolation of the scholar social development of HA as a membership organization beyond the nuclear stage of family has not yet occurred.  All work is financed with the social security pension of the author.  Whereas the price of long distance telephone calls, a working printer or even a passport are prohibitive communication is limited to the email and now website that are the absolute limit of venue that the scholar can afford on his meager income that is tax-exempt by virtue of being so significantly below, not only the tax line, but the poverty line. 


Dedicated scholarship, at the expense of gainful employment, has led HA to accumulate a vast portfolio of intellectual property relevant to international development that in its summary in the annual Hearing AID Act generated enough confidence in private donors for USAID to levy $33 billion for international development in 2004.  In a rare expression of goodwill the President did however guarantee the scholar retro-active pay to the date we shall arbitrarily call 1 January 2004, at a rate of $100,000 a year, from the first day of activity of the Hearing AID Act of 2004 under E.O. 13325 Amendment to E.O. 12293 the Foreign Service of the United States of January 28, 2004.  The Secretary of State has not yet taken any action on paying this claim.  The scholar’s sister was ironically denied a passing grade for her essay on corporate responsibility on the Foreign Service Exam.  To administrate funds levied for international development it is important to study the International Trust 24USC(5)231a that directs the apportionment of these funds regionally to address the needs of the poorest people in the world’s least developed nations and is amended annually in December after the Statistical Atlas has been updated.


DESA NGO Section:




Social Security Administration:;


Assistant USAID Administrator of DCHA Roger Winter: