Hospitals & Asylums    





Hospitals & Asylums Day Wish HA-2006-8-11


Dear Hospitals & Asylums Members, Nonrespondent but Respected Elders, Prospective King of the World, Butler County Board of Health and convicted spy # 4 whose wife called and is not served like the other being removed from the monthly list this day:


1. It is Hospitals & Asylums Day for the first time this year. I am happy to welcome the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve to the list of the Secretary although I am not prepared to declare the $2 million needed for a registered foreign development banking corporation and am saying goodbye to the spy recommended Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) whereas they have ceased to serve and that Ohio District One Congressional Candidate who had his name hacked off because he forfeited his independent campaign.  In the heading of this declaration I am hoping to bring the information officers of the Armed Forces Retirement Home and President of what is now called Gallaudet University, into the fold of Hospitals & Asylums Membership - newsletters and scholarly essay are accepted but are now relegated to a status inferior to slave for political organizations, because it is indeed cash, money, in annual amounts greater than $24 that are now required to be on the top of the list for people other than individual scholars ...    


2. On the topic of being on top of the list please tell Google to put back on the top returns for Hospitals & Asylums with the new caption,


"Hospitals & Asylums is a political newsletter open to scholars of all walks of life dedicated to upholding the spirit of Title 24 US Code in a new millenium of human rights".


3. I doubt that 2006 is a stressful year only for myself.  The International Meteor Organization who seems to be having an excellent year, just wrote to inform us that the Perseid Meteor shower, although diminished by the moon can be observed, anywhere but in the deep southern latitudes - where they are difficult to see and I presume my troubled American spirit is dwelling...see Art. 11 of the Constitution of Hospitals Non Governmental Ethics  


4. I do have plans to go with my mother and step-father, who have been free of slavery since 2003, to see the shooting stars on Saturday the 12th however do not think that my sister, Sharon, and I will be winning the visual observer election for King and Queen of the solar system this year.  Although the new largest radio telescope in the world stationed in the Netherlands and run by the IMO might show different results, it is for the humans, who dominate planet earth that the elections are held, not bats although a case can be made for equal rights in their behalf, so we are willing to concede to the beauty of the beauty of the full moon, and the more charitable comets of the year, see...Chapter 11: $1 Meteors


5. Not being elected king, very similar to being elected king, comes with trial and tribulations.  It is however possible that these unfortunate circumstances, betrayals and yes, persecutions, occur closer to home. 


a. In 2000 when the Perseids could barely be seen at all, I had befriended, a doppleganger, named AJ Stephani who had been elected Executive Director of the University of Cincinnati College of Law Glenn M. Weaver Institute of Law and Psychiatry purely on the strength of my wiping of the State Mental Institution Library Education (SMILE) Buildings off the prima facie of the Probate Judge in Sanders v. Kravetz USDC S. Ohio C-98-411.  He however refused to work towards my $75,000 settlement and in 2001 was graced with the Chairmanship of the 2nd International Conference on Therapeutic Jurisprudence on the strength of my diploma in International Affairs.  He obviously discriminated against me, depriving me of a voice and then corrupted my work for rent lease leaving me without a home on the second day of the conference when he threw me out on the street.  His mojo is all gone and my degree is completely exhausted, used up and missing the cemetery only by a $6 theft by the credential bureau, Styrene Leak and a Clifford Sobel v. Natalee Holloway , as the result of his not having a specific alleged mentally ill (ami) friend in Steel v. Hamilton County Community Board of Mental Health  He can indeed be billed $75,000 for this lapse of professioal responsibility by the ABA CLE program that is now without the Ohio CLE program on the monthly service whereas they give asylum to terrorists and fail to demonstrate a single authorized practice of law like the $24,000 accidental murder of the diabetic John Carter, prevailing Kentucky Bar Association, the security of confidentiality with me is however required as the result of the aforementioned misfiring of the Cannons of the Judicial Ethics that were ommitted from this year's Attorney General "Ethics" to the disgrace of spy Morris's Kim Jong Il missile program.


b. In 2004 when the Perseids were a clear victor in the visual observer scene Anthony J. Principi, my hero, came to Cincinnati to speak at the 105th Conference of Veteran's of Foreign Wars, however the City permitted their Police Labor Contract to lapse on the 8th for 7 months until I discovered the treason.  Nearly the instant that the armed forces contract lapsed into treason the US Vice President was witnessed breeching the month old Termination of Emergency in regards to Iraq in apparent mockery of the case regarding the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon that flagrantly violates the ban on counseling for, or administrating lethal drugs, even if asked, in the Hippocratic Oath...see Independent Drug Enforcement Administration (IDEA)  Mr. Principi has indeed been requested to respond the 10 questions posed in the Military Department this day but is seems that he has instead hired a hitman and had HA censured from all but the indigenous defense force whereas it is not wise to bear arms and he has absolutely no respect for the little good he has done since the holy wars started, although the power of peace has been vested in him, and he unlike AJ Stephani can be credited with holding his office on the strength of his own career and the success of my peace treaties, the largest settlement in the history of international law, rely upon the firmness of his military judgment. 


c. While I am trepiditious as the result of my tortured but recovered health about receiving a military brief this day I do indeed hope that Anthony J. Coppolino from the (weak) Civil Division of the Department of Justice, also here on the strength of his career as public servant but now famous as the result of a certain ACLU burglar and spy of mine, named Professor Howard Tolley Phd JD who can be fined the amount of $1,000 under Battle Mountain Sanitarium Reserve Statute pertaining to unlawful intrustion and violation of the rule and regulations under 24USC(3)154 in my behalf.   It is our hope Anthony J. Principi, Anthony J. Coppolino and Anthony J. Sanders can secure their friendship in a way that no one, me in particular, is harmed and the US can HA and the world will be both peaceful and free.  The advent of Anthony J. Coppolino brings hope that HA, as written by Anthony J. Sanders, can secure both the peace and freedom of our troubled nation and we must make our friendship a reality for our people without harming the good man - me.


6. Having pled innocence let me now burden with the trouble that is breaking both my heart, and soul that is plummeting towards neutrality, wallet, having lost my bank account to the former Secretary of Treasury who is now County Prosecutor again after being collatorally impeached in the fraud investigation by the FDIC and Federal Reserve that continues to plague me and the fleeing and dying people registered in the Hamilton County Job and Family Services see... Prosecutor v. Joe Deters


7. Having made my tough guy speech let me now confess that I was tortured within an inch of my life by stepmother and a city gang, most likely my landlady who has not yet come through with the new lock and key that I paid for this month.  To make matters worse my father, who has fallen for persecution before after I had recovered from mental illness after their divorce and he, his first and second wives conspired to have me institutionalized in 1994, demanded that I apologize to CJ Sanders- Hengel,  who is now listed as a member on trial for torture, although the immunity of witnesses would be a stricter interpretation of law, when he came to give me his $100 birthday gift.  It looks like I might try to get a job for the Democratic Party to defray the loss of his farm labor job.  Although he suffered himself, a veterinarian who spends the majority of career driving to visit clients of house calls for pets business, to be "put to sleep" by chemical means earlier this year, he refuses to go to the Butler County Board of Health to address the problem professionally and is charged with granting asylum to a terrorist, who has victimized him, his son and his mother, and the Butler County Board of Health with visiting and inspecting his house and seeing that they receive counseling, involuntary though it might be, thereby requiring a court order if they do not consent.  This bioterrorism epidemic must be brought to heel with the immunity of witnesses, whereas non baby boomers of the young variety are still dying publicly, this is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Board of Health who can charge my father their reasonable fees and double the aforementioned $75,000 civil tort against Hamilton County to $150,000 in writing in my behalf see... and Butler County v. Hamilton County (spy Morris exposed)


8. Unfortuneately the tribulations go on.  House Majority Leader John Boehner whose jurisdiction includes Butler County and Director of the Office of Managment and Budget who hails (Hitler) from Cincinnati, Ohio are brought to the trial of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Rank Democrat of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers in regards to free loading on the balanced budget of Hospitals & Asylums and reporting to the armed and genocidal Hamilton County Republican Party and Prosecutor who must be censured as the result of their propensity to spy, torture and murder without any regard for the confidentiality of judicial proceedings, not unlike the professionally irresponsible non-response of our hero John Conyers (D) in regards to the murder of my prisoners in the Hague, that precipitated the gravity of this bioterrorist attack, when his impeachement proceeding was reviewed see...  It is critical that the House Majority Leader and Office of Management and Budget are not trying to assasinate their only worker because that is the deal they made with the devil for their success - hire local torturers for the source of their success my $1 trillion Chapter 5: Hearing AID Act and $2 trillion Chapter 3: Health and Welfare  They are in fact charged with this conspiracy and ordered to desist communicating with Republican terrorists from their homeland - Senator Bill Frist and Congressman John Conyers are sought to ensure the accuracy of this censure that should seek to appoint Hamilton County Commissioner Pat Dewine Chairman of the Republican Party.  They are further charged to pay me for my work balancing the budget the lasseiz fair way with agency budget reductions and legislate and execute my laws eliminating treason and social security budget surplus.  The American people, employers, laborers simply do not stand for government funded slave labor torturing the only government worker who inspired them with a balanced budget and will for peace, not that they would ever pay anybody but the FBI, but economic growth does not tolerate this corruption and we are now clunking at 2.3% along as normalized by Jose Antoniono Ocampo in the World Economic and Social Survey at .  The federal government cannot rely upon the free private market if they do not hold up their end of the bargain balancing the budget - $1,000 a month to $1,000 a week social security payments by means of the US Treasury to me, Anthony J. Sanders


9. The tribulations do not stop at what we once considered the most corrupt government in the world, the federal government, but this 2006 have consumed the United Nations whose population shall exceed 6.6 billion this year taking into consideration the hundred of millions of undocumented people who go uncounted by the national census.  The publication of the Offical Development Atlas of the State of the United Nations (SUN) could have led to a peaceful and successful year but the UN failed the murder trial presented by the International Tribunal for Eastern Europe in the human sacrifice of Milan Babic and Slobodan Milosevic and assasination of Lee Jong-Wook and attempted murder of me - the balancer of the Google Official Development Atlas.  The new cemetery at the end of the list of members tells no lies - Jose Antonion Ocampo is on trial for murder by the European Lottery International in the care of the High Commissioner of Human Rights Louise Arbour, Inter-American Development Bank CEO Luis Alberto Moreno would clearly do this investigation of Luis Moreno-Ocampo justice, for a settlement notice titled Anthony Joseph Sanders v. Jose Antonio Ocampo that would be invested in part in the IADB see…


10. And the stars themselves, have they fallen?  It is true they don't seem to mean anyone any harm at this time and the astronomical societies are holding all the conferences the rest of the year see...  Perhaps I can have a happy birthday after all, without any guilty feelings for not being able to afford the membership dues or travel costs to attend the International Meteor Conference or International Planetary Science Congress, whereas it is a cloudy day and I would like to launch a mission to Alpha Centauri System, a manned mission to Mars and a space station on the Moon.  I am however left to beg for a ride to see the shooting stars in the northern hemisphere.  Hoping to make it see … Chapter 11: $1 Meters


11. I can only plead to my mother, who is still easily tempted to slavery by her divorce and my tasteless snitching on her ex husbands trial for his (l) wife, although she has been immersed in the Exodus of Moses by her bible study group, now that she does not slave her own family anymore, and my friends Junior and Joy, who have already promised to go camping to watch the shooting stars to go out to countryside to watch the Perseid Meteors, tomorrow on Saturday and on Sunday, as recommended by the meteorologist. 


Your public servant,


Anthony J. Sanders

Hospitals & Asylums

451 Ludlow Ave. #212

Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
