Hospitals & Asylums    





April 2007


I would like to welcome Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  His reports gives me confidence that Congress will make progress balancing the budget this year. I however became hung up on the May day sealing of records and am a day late in making this report because my web hosting account migrated and it took a while to access it.  Although I slept great in the two nights before I was excused from jury duty I had insomnia the night before the May day trial and then walked until nightfall.  All I now have is a half fraudulent traffic conviction referenced to the 00 points I have on my license.  Today I went for a walk with my father and now decided to move to a new apartment with a friend this month.  It is time to forgive Marcel, my father, and restore his monthly subscription rights, it is also time to forgive Congressman John Conyers, and move him to regular list although both he and Rep. Slaughter will be moved to the Congressional list.  If I were not to forgive I would have to sacrifice all of my friends, and I am not willing to do that.  The lesson is if one ever gets angry one then becomes obligated to forgive, duty they otherwise would not have to do, but sometimes a statement is necessary. This month made a lot of spiritual progress coming to grips with the failings of health and the unavoidable consequence of life, death, taxation and environment for the 21st century. 


Expungement Assignment Trial HA-1-4-07


There are four principles of law that arise in review of this case of merit to the civil liberties of the general public.  First, that records with references to laws that mention the prosecutor or police chief by name, rather than signature, tend to be false and are in fact recriminations against convictions by such named armed individuals.  Second, that records that are not defended by a judge are either false or of no merit to the administration of justice and must be considered non-convictions for want of authorization.  Third, that police officers should direct motorists to the appropriate auto parts store or junkyard without fining them unless they should be pulled over again for the same traffic violation whereas this presents a financial double jeopardy.  Fourth, that non convictions and traffic violations, that are sent to the state for points if they are of merit, should be automatically expunged from the county record after a year and misdemeanor charges should be contestable for expungement for one to five years depending on their gravity after which time they should be automatically expunged and felonies of a lesser degree would become eligible for expungement. 


Public Health Department HA-7-4-07


The second annual draft of the PHD has been drafted to make meaningful reform the health administration in several ways.  First, to change the name of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to the Public Health Department (PHD) in order to graduate from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) after two and half decades of corruption.  Second, to transfer authority for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to the health department in order to win back the integrity of the health system and address drugs professionally.  Third, for the World Health Organization (WHO) to take responsibility for the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) and eliminate this criminal form of psychological warfare from our peaceful planet.  Fourth, to pass the universal single payer health care system in the National Health Insurance Act H.R. 676 that would make health care free for everyone.


National Cemeteries HA-12-4-07


Second draft of National Cemeteries.  Federal regulation of the funeral industry is currently limited to the National Cemeteries under the supervision of the Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs and a prohibition of unfair and deceptive advertising on the part of the funeral industry that must provide a general price list to consumers. The vast majority of regulation of the funeral and cemetery industry is done by state license boards under state statute.  This Chapter will bridge the division between National and Private and Commercial Cemeteries in the federal law. It can be estimated that 56,597,030 people died around the world in 2004 an average of 863 deaths per 100,000, 0.86% of the population.  The preliminary number of deaths in the United States for 2004 was estimated at 2,398,343, representing a decrease of 49,945 from the 2003 total.  To process the 0.83% of the population that dies every year 0.05% of the population is employed in the death care industry.  There were 23,015 death care service establishments with 164,823 employees, generating revenues of $12.6 billion, with a payroll of $3.5 billion, not including the manufacturers of caskets and funeral supplies. Per death receipts for funeral services are estimated to total $4,166 for a burial and $1,080 for a cremation on an average.


Tax Return Estimate: $300 billion HA-19-4-07


US taxpayers pay between 8% and 44% of their income in taxation, 34% on average.  Gross receipts by federal, state and local governments totaled $4,024.1 billion and expenditures $4,173.7 billion in 2006.  The federal government had gross receipts of $2,581.5 billion and expenditures of $2,712.7 billion. Whereas gross federal tax revenues have increased 11% it can be expected that tax returns will increase from $270 billion to $300 billion.  State and local governments had receipts of $1,800.8 billion and expenditures of $1,819.2 billion.  State tax receipts totaled $1,243.7 billion.  It is estimated that direct and indirect taxation by states consumes 10.4% of personal income. The Tax Foundation estimates for Tax Freedom Day that Americans work longer to pay for government, 120 days, than they do for food, clothing and housing combined, 105 days.  Americans work an estimated 79 days to afford federal taxes and 41 days for state and local taxes.  Tax Freedom Day is calculated as the day by which time the average American has worked enough to pay their tax obligations to the government.  According to the 2007 calculations of the Tax Foundation this day falls on April 31. 


Virginia Tech Shootings HA-20-4-07


The massacre of 30 students, 2 professors and suicide by the gunman Cho Seung-Hiu was the deadliest mass shooting of civilians in recent US history.  Previously the largest school massacre was the Columbine massacre that took 15 lives including the two gunmen.  Between 1994 and 1999 there were 220 school-related shootings resulting in 253 deaths.  Recent evidence indicates that there is a connection between these school shooting and education reforms.  Recommendation for several reforms are made to improve school security. First, have an armed person on every school campus.  Second, student loans corporations must prohibit the exchange of information with other debt collectors and investigators other than the Secretary of Treasury.  Third, FERPA should be amended to inform the family of mental health treatment decisions.  Fourth, the issue of banning gun sales to people with mental health backgrounds seems like a good.  Fifth, the Secretary of Education should usurp the role of the Attorney General as the arbitrator of civil and civil rights disputes on campus and in education financing.  For better security the Secretary should interpret the Constitution to indicate a parliamentary democracy form of government that fosters lively debate regarding the law without infringing upon the confidentiality of student records.


Major Environmental Treaties of 1992 HA-26-4-07


The three major environmental treaties ratified by Agenda 21 at the “Earth Summit” that took place 3 through 14 June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro are the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Statement on Forest Principles.  As the result of industrialization concentrations of green house gasses are raising global temperatures.  The average temperature of the earth's surface has risen by 0.6 degrees C since the late 1800s. It is expected to increase by another 1.4 to 5.8 degrees C by the year 2100 -- a rapid and profound change.  The average sea-ice extent for the entire month of September was 5.9 million km˛, the second lowest on record missing the 2005 record by 340 000 km˛. Including 2006, the September rate of sea ice decline is now approximately -8.59% per decade, or 60 421 km˛ per year. The sea level rose on average by 10 to 20 cm during the 20th century, and an additional increase of 9 to 88 cm is expected by the year 2100.  Every year between 17,000 to 100,000 species become extinct, it can be estimated that fifty per cent of the Earth's 10 to 100 million species will have vanished inside the next 100 years.  The annual net loss of forests was 7.3 million hectares - an area the size of Panama or Ireland - from 2000-2005, slightly less than 8.9 million hectares a year from 1990-2000.  The fundamental prerequisite for the achievement of sustainable development is broad public participation in decision-making informed of environmental issues and data.