Hospitals & Asylums    





June 2009


As the result of a convergence between the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and the unveiling of the new Public Health Insurance Bill, at the conviction of Peter Orzag Director of Office and Management and Budget for conflict of interest as a fiscally imbalanced health nut, Farah Faucet, Michael Jackson and Bill Murray are dead.  Not wishing to join the ranks of the famous, in the morgue, at this time, work was curtailed and the family was permanently and totally suspended, so as not to be blinded by the willful killers in the international conspiracy of heart break, to the costly treachery of the locals.  After a huge box of home made chocolate chip cookies manifested on the table and I sneaked one crippling cookie, before they were thrown out for being stale, exercise to combat the visible effects of the obesity epidemic became paramount, but just when one suspects a rule based misprision of felony, the linens and bed need to be replaced as a reminder to lock the door when stepping outside for a breath of fresh air.  On the bright side, if I keep up my daily jogging and strength exercises I should have a flat stomach by the end of the month, with which to seduce a woman for an affordable bed with only average risk of venereal disease.   


The unsubscribe able newsletter of Rep. Waxman, thanks for the cookies, reports that the discussion draft of the health care reform bill in Congress aims to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.  Although the bill is a much needed improvement it fails to provide universal health insurance, to separate public and private health, or to fully enable the patient to refuse to pay for abusive, unnecessary, involuntary or harmful medical treatment.  One can tell by the casualties, the bill does not meet the minimum thresholds of disbelief in health theology, a difficult to impossible challenge.  Any health bill must begin with and sustain a disbelief in health by changing the blasphemous name of CMS to NHI and transferring the confidential records to SSA, heightening bio-security and bio-safety, issuing civil torts for torture, the malevolent distribution of laboratory supply, unauthorized disclosure of personally identifying information, all forms of medical malpractice and health care fraud and most of all providing administrative bankruptcy proceedings for people unable or unwilling to pay for defective or overpriced treatment.  My 164 page Chapter on Health and Welfare would probably be better for the public health than this 850 page monstrosity, so confused regarding the differing meanings of confidentiality and secrecy between the public health and health care sectors. 


The primary reason for the delay, other than the unhealthy conditions one is forced to live in while Congress warships health, is the time it takes to disseminate the propaganda conveyed in the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis Its Impact on Development, a three-day summit of world leaders from 24 to 26 June 2009 at its New York Headquarters to assess the worst global economic downturn since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis, especially on vulnerable populations, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account the needs and concerns of all Member States.  Although the Report of the Experts is tainted by the Peter Orszags mentor Joseph Stiglitz and serves to prop up the bailout and the self-defeating interests of colonialists, like all United Nations work involving the mistakes of colonial powers, it does provide some very interesting statistics regarding the crisis that has spread to the developing world as the result of negligent currency enforcement.   World income per capita could drop 3.7 per cent and world gross product by 2.6 percent this 2009.   To resize the DUNCE CAP for exchange rates as of September 30, 2008 when overt manipulation began, from a 7 percent devaluation of the US dollar in November to 30 percent in June it is estimated that $18 trillion, almost 30 percent of world gross product, has been made available to recapitalize banks.  An estimated $2.7 trillion, about 4 percent of WGP, has been spent on fiscal stimulus programs.  The G-20 announced $1.1 trillion support to triple the lending resources, ie. corrupt, the IMF whose rules are in need of enforcement.  As the result of market distortion resulting from both illegal manipulation of the market through subsidies and manipulation of the currency to inflate the dollar, in the superficial interest of financial institutions who made no such demands, when it should be devaluated, the crisis has been devastating to trade and employment and has spread to developing nations who report their currencies have often been devaluated 20-50% since September and the number of unemployed and hungry are growing to record numbers.  A proposal has been made to substitute IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR) for dollars as the international reserve currency to leverage the devaluation of the dollar but quite frankly the devaluation should be the result of a direct order of automatic adjustment that has not been clearly made by anyone but me.  It would seem that if the United States, obsessed co-owner of the whole world, is to have an economic downturn, the entire world economy must be drug down as well, to maintain the illusion of dominance. 


On the topic of illusionary dominance this is the last service upon SSA until 2010.  With $2.4 trillion in savings and absolutely no cognizant civil torts SSA has corrupted all the good work of Armed Forces Month and failed to pay the degrading $250 stimulus payment promised by Rep. Conyers on the day I unsubscribed from his newsletter.  The $250 graft onto my stimulus payment, that never arrived, seems to have reached maturity and his wife Monica, a Detroit Councilwoman, pled guilty to bribery, in behalf of the whole family of willful killers.  Not wishing to get assassinated or give up my state sovereignty, going for the $250 cheese, so poorly recommended, with which I might afford a good night’s sleep, I can accept only justice in the form of $6,500 compensation under 1USC(3)§213 for editing the US Code, in this case to repeal the monopolization of the Code in this section to bribe the Committee (a form of can-sir screening on the basis of warship of satan, the prosecutor) to instead authorize direct payment from any Congress person to the author/editor.  The US needs to stop all bombing/balming missions and reparate the civilian casualties of their bad aim.  This is a fundamental issue for our President who failed to reparate for this violence during his campaign for office, was as vicious as he could possibly be in defense of this impeachable offense and continues to be an enrolled Taleban militant and enlisted Al Queda operative at every conflict of interest, and there are many for a Harvard grad and Commander in Chief who needs to appease the bar certified descendents of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  The US needs to forgive loans made to Afghanistan, purchase opium quotas from an Afghan Opium Agency and deploy from Afghanistan; without a colonial economic oppressor killing innocent men, women and children it is unlikely there would be so many militants and with opium taxes the national government could afford to control the nation.  As the negligent financier of terror, colonialism and insolvency SSA either needs to demonstrate some social responsibility or be kept at a distance, far away, but closer to the heart than the constitutional government, that slipped into a black hole of the UN Charter (legitimate edition) and completely vanished from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in September 2008.  To answer the $6,500 question, all bar certified attorneys or court deputies, who are appointed or elected to public office should be honorably(?) disbarred, in writing, without license fee, education or reporting obligations, for the time they are employed in any public office other than judicial, to prevent any espionage, anti-trust, bribery, graft or conflict of interest between the Bar and Government so the citizen, having been taught to write, will be safe to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and raise the fee to more than $10,000 for the Code to be theologically sound.  


CHAPTER 3: Health and Welfare (HaW)


To amend Chapter 3 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers §71-150 fifth draft.  To pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution.  To adequately staff the Social Security Administration (SSA) to eliminate the disability backlog and supervise health care.  To redress torture with civil torts.  To add cardiovascular disease to the Disability Quick List.  To change the name of the Centers for Medicare Medicaid and SCHIP (CMS) to National Health Insurance (NHI) and transfer the confidential government health insurance program to SSA. Freeze or limit medical cost increases to less than 3%.  Allow for patients to refuse to pay for unnecessary, overpriced, or harmful medical treatment.  Evolve to a universal health insurance system and then to a national health service that is free for all.  Ultimately we must eliminate the income cap on SSA contributions to create a welfare system that would completely eliminate poverty in the United States.  One-in-six Americans receives a Social Security benefit.  At the end of 2008, almost 51 million people were receiving benefits: 35 million retired workers and dependents of retired workers, 6 million sur­vivors of deceased workers, and 9 million disabled workers and dependents of disabled workers. During the year, an estimated 162 million people had earnings covered by Social Security and paid payroll taxes. Total benefits paid in 2008 were $615 billion. Total income was $805 billion, and assets held in special issue U.S. Treasury securities grew to $2.4 trillion. Together Medicare and Medicaid served 87 million people at a combined cost of $602 billion.  Health care reform is social security reform.  Medicare and Medicaid operate under Social Security statute, it is logical that they would follow SSA to independence, but SSA must be adequately staffed to enforce their pension for civil torts. 


CHAPTER 3 Test Questions HA-11-6-09


20 questions and 4 missions on the topic of health and welfare.  The objective of this test is to transform American bureaucratic negligence into a pension for civil torts and mission for social justice.  In the United States, a nation of over 300 million people without statutory protection against torture, there are nearly 70,000 Social Security workers, 1.3 million petitioners, and 2 million medical billers who would out of work if single payer health insurance were implemented.  This test will help to change the name of the Centers for Medicare Medicaid and SCHIP (CMS) to National Health Insurance (NHI) and transfer the confidential health insurance program to the supervision of the independent Social Security Administration (SSA).  This test will give you and local non-profit organizations and governments the means to cooperate with Social Security and other federal social welfare programs.  This test will prepare you to sue the government for a redress of grievances for yourself or other person(s), confidentially.  Socially secure we shall dissolve the 111th Congress and balance our budget.


Send comments to Tony Sanders at