Hospitals & Asylums    





Spring 2008


Vol. 8 Is. 1


Constitution of Hospitals & Asylums Non Governmental Economics HA-18-2-08


The ninth draft was done on PresidentÕs Day.  The Constitution is now exactly 100 articles long.  The Economic Statistic Program (ESP) has been added to the national Future.  The supremacy clause repeals to the US Constitution facilitate a balanced budget amendment.  The Internet Office is explained for authors and contributors wishing to submit stories or donate by Pay Pal.  To better serve democracy there is a Hospitals & Asylums website where news, periodicals, public health documents, litigation and legislation are published.  The Secretary shall secure immunity for authors, witnesses and diplomats writing Hospitals & Asylums, to exact fair wages.  The agenda is:  1. the secrecy of the ballot, 2. a balanced budget 3. human rights and community based corrections 4. redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor and 5. copyright royalties.  Authors wishing to uphold Hospitals & Asylums are directed to write those words on the top of their document.  No less than one new manuscript is drafted every year.  Now accepting Donations    


Second Annual Lobbying Activity Disclosure HA-1-1-08


This lobbying activity disclosure registers HA with the Clerk of Congress and Secretary of the Senate for the second session of the 110th Congress.  Lobbyists have 45 days from the first day of the year to file a disclosure.  2008 is both the International Year of the Potato and the Year for Dignity and Justice for All.  2008 is an election year for the President of the United States, Vice President and Congress.  To uphold the democratic principles of non-use of force, equal rights and the right of all peoples to self-determination the suggested agenda is:  1. secrecy of the ballot, 2. balanced budget 3. human rights and community based corrections 4. re-distribution of wealth from the rich to the poor and 5. copyright royalties.  In 2007 the USA managed to beat the trillion-dollar account deficit for the first time in three years.  The trade deficit has declined to a lucky -$711 billion.  The budget deficit is estimated between -$150 and -$200 billion wherefore the account deficit is between -$861 and -$911 billion.  Between 1980 and 2004 the prison population quadrupled from a healthy 225 per 100,000 in 1981 to 724 per 100,000 in 2004.  To redress this crisis safely a 10 year Community Based Corrections Equality Plan sets a legal limit of 250 prisoners per 100,000 citizens (0.25%) to rediscover our free will.  There are three major lines of taxation to redistribute the wealth from rich to poor.  First, employees must petition for fair wages from their ultra rich executives earning more than 25 times the lowest paid full time employee.  Second, government officials must pay copyright royalties and tort claims.  Third, create a real social security system that guarantees everyone an income above the real poverty of $1,000 a month by eliminating the taxable income limit of $100,000.  249 pages and summary.


Economic Stimulus Package HA-20-1-08


Low economic growth in the first and fourth quarters of 2007 and beginning of 2008 was less than 1% for a 2007 with 2.5% economic growth.  Inflation in 2007 was 4% and disposable personal income only increased an estimated 3%. No economic stimulus package would be complete without changing the name of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), to the Economic Statistics Program (ESP).  Any stimulus package will elicit the partnership of the States, to offset roughly 50% of the cost of unemployment insurance, food stamps, TANF and SCHIP while the federal government pays all of the disability insurance backlog a one time ÒnoÓ to 50% of the DI trust fund solvency, for a federal budget deficit of -$225 billion that might be cut in half if Congress were truly dedicated to balancing the budget of the 111th Congress (2009-2010), as negotiated by the Presidential candidates.  The Democratic party has $100 billion to negotiate between tax rebates and cash assistance to people from the lower two quintiles.  The Republican party has $50 billion for business subsidies to treat the mortgage crisis and inflation in the retail price of gasoline that rose 29% in 2007.  For free, this essay could balance the federal budget and predict a growth rate of 0.5% in the first quarter if expectations for annual economic growth could moderate around 2% annually.  Legislating a $150 billion economic stimulus package would probably keep economic growth over 1% but less than 2% in the first quarter, the second and third quarters might reach as high as 2.4% before the stimulus package is exhausted and GDP growth falls to 1.8% in the fourth quarter, for annual economic growth of around 2%, but generates a federal budget deficit of $300 billion.  Surplus funds from the balanced budget of the 111th Congress shall sustain successful programs.  This economic stimulus package (ESP) could be the ESP to begin all ESP for the $500 cost of this 80 hour week, at minimum wage. 78 paragraphs, 40 charts and tables.   


Winning the 2008 Elections HA-10-1-08


Since the New Year the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has not had a quorum to do business.  Only two officers remain, Chairman, David M. Mason and Ellen L. Weintraub.  Four officers are needed to do business.  There should be six officers.  The second session of the 110th Congress and the President must agree upon two Commissioners immediately.  FEC staff are highly encouraged to apply and the party leaders may be delegated to introduce their own candidates.  The road to the White House is paved with gold.  After the primaries and caucuses are over, each political party holds a convention at which their presidential and vice presidential nominees are formally selected.  There are currently 4,049 total delegates to the Democratic National Convention, including 3,253 pledged delegates and 796 superdelegates. The total number of delegate votes needed to win the nomination is 2,025. There are currently 2,380 total delegates to the Republican National Convention, including 1,917 pledged delegates and 463 unpledged delegates. The total number of delegate votes needed to win the nomination is 1,191. All Congress members will be re-elected.  Election day shall be November 4th.  Redistricting battles will occur in states that are slated to gain or lose seats as a result of the 2010 census because some changes will have to occur in current Congressional delegations in those states. States projected to lose seats after the 2010 census are New York (-2), Ohio (-2), Illinois (-1), Iowa (-1), Louisiana (-1), Massachusetts (-1). Michigan (-1), Missouri (-1) and Pennsylvania (-1).  States projected to gain seats after the 2010 census include Texas (+3), Arizona (+2), Florida (+2), California (+1), Georgia (+1), Nevada (+1) and Utah (+1). 


Barack Obama Speaks at the University of Cincinnati HA-25-2-08


On Monday February 25, 2008 Barack Obama spoke at the University of Cincinnati 5/3 Arena at 2 pm.  An estimated 12,000 people attended.  Beginning at noon two quarter mile long lines stretched from the north and south of the basketball stadium.  Ohio Treasurer Richard Cordray stated, this election is not about the past, we have an opportunity for transformational change.  Gineth Walker a union grocer said too many young Ohioans cannot get a good paying job.  Mayor Mark Mallory cast his super delegate vote for Obama.  Barack took the stage.  As the first order of business there were buses to take people to the Board of Elections to cast an early vote.  The campaign is driven by the fierce urgency of now.  We cannot wait to end global warming or the war in Iraq.  People want straight talk and honesty.  We are rolling back tax cuts.  Insuring everyone.  We are going green.  If you are working you should not be poor.  As Commander in Chief my primary duty will be to keep you safe.  Military force must not be used unwisely.  The war on Iraq was unwise.  We need to rediscover the power of diplomacy.  We need a President who will uphold the Constitution.  We want everyone to say America is back.  Hope is looking for respite from hardship and going on to do something, ie. universal health care, clean energy, getting people to college not prison. We need to be better parents to instill excellence in our children.  For those who hope for justice and freedom we will win precinct-by-precinct, county by county, state by state. If you work with me we will take this country. 


Hillary Clinton Speaks at Cincinnati State HA-23-2-08


On Saturday February 23, 2008 Hillary Clinton spoke at Cincinnati State at 9 am.  An estimated 2,500 people were in attendance.  Security was thorough and the line wrapped through the hallway.  The speech didnÕt begin until 9:30 am.  The introduction was done by County Commissioner David Pepper.  Governor Ted Strickland walked in, hand in hand, with Senator Hillary Clinton.  They raised their joined hands above their heads and turned 360 degrees for the audience.  There is much work for the next President.  Bush never said anything about throwing out the balanced budget.  We believe in the rule of law, democracy and freedom.  Jobs have been lost and 150,000 Ohioans received foreclosure notices last year.  The banks and lenders need to find out what people can pay.  We will fund clean energy by taking tax subsidies away from big oil.  We borrow money from the Chinese to pay the Saudis.  This will happen until the two oil tycoons leave office.  We cannot lose to private health insurance and pharmaceuticals.  Republicans always want private health insurance.  You pay for it you should have access to it.  We support pre-school, No Child Left Behind, and will make college affordable.  Lets reward the caregivers.  The best way to see what a person to do is to see what they have done.  If you stand for me I will fight for you.


Michelle Obama Speaks Out for Change at Music Hall HA-15-2-08


On Friday February 15, 2008 Michelle Obama spoke out for the campaign for change at Cincinnati Music Hall.  Capacity was 1,300.  On February 15, 2007 Barack Obama stated on the capitol steps that he was running for President.  Polls and pundits said he couldnÕt do it.  The campaign is surpassing its limited expectations. When was the last candidate of any race or gender to win everywhere? In America when you go to raise the bar they raise the bar and when you go there they move the bar.  Who is smarter than the first African American editor of the Harvard Law Review?  Barack is not just talk.  As Illinois state senator he abolished the death penalty.  As US Senator he said the war was wrong.  Understand the value of helping him.  Barack is one of the most beautiful candidates we will see in our lifetime.  Senator Barack Obama is the author of two books, Dreams of my Father and the Audacity of Hope.  The values are rooted in a basic optimism about life and a faith in free will.  The ONE campaign has 60,000 signatures to get the next President to visit Africa in their first year.  Move On is 70% behind Barack Obama.  The people want change.  Vote for Obama.  Thank you for five dollars.  


American Heart Month since February 1963 HA-14-2-08


Since 1963 Congress and the American Heart Association has required the president to proclaim February "American Heart Month."  Cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, are the No. 1 killer in the United States.  Coronary heart disease is America's No. 1 killer. Stroke is No. 3 and a leading cause of serious disability.  Of the estimated 7 million Americans suffering angina and 2.4 million people who died in 2004, 666,000 died from heart disease and 150,000 from stroke.  One in every 300 Americans will be killed by a blocked artery in 2007.  Every 34 seconds an American dies as the result of a blocked cardiac artery.  As an American, there's a 90 percent chance that poor circulation will trigger a serious health problem at some point in your life. More than 6.8 million Americans undergo heart bypass, balloon angioplasty and other circulation-related procedures each year. 700,000 Americans will suffer a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain in 2007- 83 every hour of the day. Each year, about 1.1 million people in the United States have heart attacks, and almost half of them die. Mortality differs significantly by race or ethnic group as measured by age adjusted death rates.  In 1998 these death rates per 100,000 people from heart disease in the United States were 211.8 for black non-Hispanics, compared to 145.3 for white non-Hispanics, 101.5 for Hispanics, 106 for American Indians and 78 for Asians.  The objective of this paper is for the Centers for Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP (CMS) to require ÒBiological Weapons are ProhibitedÓ to be inscribed on the letterheads of all their contracts because it is hypothesized that corruption is the leading cause of death, disability and patient care episodes. 


CHAPTER 4 State Mental Institution Library Education (SMILE)


To amend Chapter 4 St. ElizabethÕs Hospital ¤161-230.  The District of Columbia Mental Health System established in what is now Article IX was successful in reducing the inpatient population from 7,000 to 600.  This precedence needs to be followed by state mental institutions, private psychiatric hospitals, general hospital psychiatric wards and correction programs around the nation.  Globally mental illness and psychological disorders stemming from substance abuse are estimated to affect a combined total of 450 million people, 7.3% of the population.  55% of Americans suffered from mental illness at some time in their life and 1 in 5 Americans experience a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year.  Mental illness is the second leading cause of disability, costing disability insurance an estimated $24 billion and medical insurance $65 billion annually.  In 1997 30,535 people died from suicide in the U.S, it was the 11th leading cause of death in 2000.  During 1999 there were 1.7 million admissions to inpatient psychiatric treatment, 424,450 were involuntary commitments. The de-institutionalization movement has been successful in reducing the psychiatric inpatient population by half from 515,572 in 1970 to 198,195 in 1998 but has not completely implemented community psychiatry.  Although there were a number of remarkable reports at the turn of the millennium and the UN established a Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse the continuum of care is not improving like other medical specialties. Key reforms are a Mental Health Review Tribunal operated by the Board of Mental Health and the finance of community mental health care.  De-institutionalization must fully implement community care backed by limited general hospital psychiatric wards, closing all state mental institutions and private psychiatric hospitals for forensic use, abolishing civil commitments, electro convulsive therapy and drug enforcement. MIRROR formÉ104 pages and summary.


CHAPTER 6 Model Rules for Community Corrections (MRCC)


To amend Chapter 6 FreedmenÕs Hospital ¤261-270, in a fifth draft.  A record 7 million people - or one in every 32 American adults - were behind bars, on probation or on parole by the end of 2005.  Of those, 2.2 million were in prison or jail, an increase of 2.7% over the previous year.  The US prison population quintupled between 1980 and 2004.  In 1980 the US was a model judiciary with 503,586 prisoners (220 per 100,000).   In 2004 the prison population was 2,085,620 (707 per 100,000).  The US prison population is 24% of the 9 million global prisoners.  The US has the most and densest concentration of prisoners in the world with an average of 724 prisoners per 100,000 citizens.  The total number of local jail, state and federal prison beds must be limited to less than 740,000.  1 million is good goal. Nearly 650,000 people are released from prison to communities each year. There are over 3,200 jails throughout the United States, the vast majority of which are operated by county governments.  Each year, these jails will release in excess of 10,000,000, 3.3% of the population, back into the community.  Nearly two thirds of released State prisoners are expected to be rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within three years after release.  Racial disparities among prisoners persist in the 25-29 age group, 8.1% of black men - about one in 13 Ð were behind bars, compared with 2.6% of Hispanic men and 1.1% of white men.  Under Section 6 of the Justice of the Peace Amendment to the US Constitution, States shall probate and parole criminal offenders to community correctional housing and employment programs to reduce the prison population to meet international minimum standards of detention.  A Human Rights amendment and a 10 Year Community Based Corrections Equality Plan amendment to Civil Rights statute will help achieve the legal limit of 250 prisoners per 100,000 residents.  94 pages and summary.


States of the United Nations (SUN)


In 2007 world population is between 6.56 and 6.8 billion.  The gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated at $63.5 trillion.  The average per capita GDP is $9,600.  The average life expectancy is estimated at 67.86 years with a low of 33 years in Swaziland and high of 84 years in Andorra. A new column pertaining to the incarceration rate per 100,000 citizens has been added, to reflect a 162 average with a high of 737 in the USA and low of 22 in the Republic of Congo, the arbitrary legal limit is 250.  Global government budget revenues are estimated at $14 trillion and expenditures at $15 trillion.  International trade is estimated at $12 trillion.  Official development assistance (ODA) is forecast to levy $120.5 billion and disburse $112 billion - $125 billion is a good goal for contributions.  2008 figures were not updated as scheduled in March.  An update can be purchased for a monthÕs wages.  For a reasonable fee the official development assistance projections can be balanced.


This is the first issue in the seven years that the HA newsletter has been published that it was not on time Ð on the equinox or solstice.  The author was falsely arrested by a psychiatric hospital not once, but twice, this month of March.  At first he was released after two weeks just in time to publish the journal.  However just as he was logging in they came to arrest him again.  After a second arrest freedom ceases to be a magic feeling of release and happiness and anxiety and fear take precedence.  A friend, amused with my failing romance, sheÕs gone now,  contributed two dollars earlier this month through the new Internet donation system by Paypal, it works, Donate


Tony Sanders