Hospitals & Asylums 








June 2011


By Anthony J. Sanders


It took all month but I’m the last remaining slave.  I solved the great mystery regarding the OASDI tax rate to offset the DI deficit and now SSA will have to pay for SSI and we’ll actually get a piece of OASI in 2020.  It was a major athletic feet.  One can’t properly convict M.J. Astrue Esq of fraud until the month of July.  According to CPI-U SSI class $666 gets a 5.2% a month raise to $709 in December 2011.  The deprivation of my SSI supplement leaves me in hell for another three years.  We’ll see if Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) and the Defense of Social Security Caucus can pay for the balanced federal budget or if the 112th Congress is another total dissolution for revision by the inheritors of the Democratic-Republican (DR) duelist system, the Hospitals & Asylums Political Party 2011 (HAPPY) people.  Now that the work is done I’m free to run the 26 mile marathon, check a book out of the library and do 1,000 pull-ups at the park.        


Defense of Social Security Caucus: U.S. v. M.J. Astrue Esq. HA-1-7-11


A Bill to adjust the OASI tax rate from 10.6% to 9.2% and DI tax rate from 1.8% to 3.2% and require SSA to finance SSI with the DI trust fund saving $50 billion taking the debt ceiling off the table. 

To pay a 5.2% COLA in 2012 and legislate a 3% COLA unless CPI-U should be higher.  To reduce the six year term of Commissioner to two years and appoint African-American social worker with 30

years’ experience with SSA, Stanley Friendship, Commissioner.  To commission up-to-date statistics to be published on the Internet from the SSA Death Master File and survey of beneficiaries by sex,

race and national origin.  To impeach M.J. Astrue and retain the Attorney General to investigate him to the full extent of his crimes against the business of insurance estimated at a 78 years mitigation of

the life sentence for the abuse of biological weapons and death penalty for lethal radioactive dispersal devices, the longest term of Bush executives.  To forgive M.J. Astrue Esq. his prison term in exchange

for immediately granting SSI to the >30,000 physically and mentally disabled prisoners released under Brown v. Marciana (2011) to finance a halfway house system as a demonstration project to reduce

the US prison population below the 250 per 100,000 legal limit over the course of 10 years at an estimated cost of $3.3 billion, 7.7% of SSI costs equal to the swollen administrative cost in 2011  To

forgive M.J. Astrue Esq. his term of probation for guaranteeing that SSI class $666 ($674 2009-2011) receives no less than $700, a 5.2% COLA will raise the SSI income guarantee to $709 a month.

To authorize SSA to make one time payments, not more than once a year, of less than $1,000 for the purchase of works of art, cottage industry, literature, science, medicine and legal evidence created

by beneficiaries and other people earning less than $1,000 a month. To require SSA to immediately pay the author of Hospitals & Asylums (HA) $1,000 a month SSDI benefits and to recognize the HA

website and email address in Anthony J. Sanders’ SSA profile.  Be the Democratic-Republican (DR) judicial and bureaucratic nonsense Dissolved, Referred to the socialist social work of the Defense of

Social Security Caucus for the appointment of Stanley Friendship, Commissioner of Social Security.       


Radioactive Polygraph HA-3-6-11


Purple spiderwort turns from blue to pink a few weeks after exposure to as little as 1.5 mSv. Symptoms of radiation exposure are convulsions, vascular damage, cardio vascular collapse, keloids, cancers and birth defects.  In light of the Fukushima accident the global community has resolved to phase out, abolish and replace nuclear reactors with alternative energy sources; preferably the solar home and computer, although wind and hydroelectric are more practical in many climates; that must be budgeted in the next few decades.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified cellular phones as possibly causing cancer.  Hospitals & Asylums (HA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) have concurred that CD/DVD laser writers emit radiation and hypothesize that remotely sabotaged can be made to emit a dose of radiation as high as 5 mSv per hour.  A dose of 100 mSv can be sickening and a 1 Sv dose is known to cause the vomiting indicative of mild radiation sickness, 2-4 Sv moderate, 4-6 Sv severe, 6-8 Sv very severe and >8 Sv 100% lethal.  Please remove the CD/DVD writer from your computer if dissatisfied with its performance or your health.  Buy a netbook.  Radiation emission tables must be re-published for lasers under 21CFR(I)(J)§1040.10 (h)(ii)(2) and for cellular phones §1050.10(e)(1) and 47CFR§1.1307(b)(2).  Both products demand the component or circuit failure tests that limited the maximum amount of radiation that could be emitted by sabotaged televisions to 0.005 mSv per hour at a distance of five (5) centimeters under 21CFR§1020.10(c)(3)(iii).  Mandatory minimum schemes must be eliminated and “remote control” restored to unlawful radiological dispersal devices under 18USC(113B)§2332h.  The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) should reinvest funds allocated to new nuclear plants to refinance the Low Energy Income Assistance Program (LEAP) as a tax credit of  Department of Energy (DoE) utility licensees under 42USC(94)§8621


Book 3 Health and Welfare (HAW)


To amend Chapter 3 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers §71-150.  To pass a Balanced Budget Amendment replacing the second amendment right to bear arms in the U.S. Constitution it is necessary to respect that in a democracy the people are sovereign and ensure their human rights are fulfilled.  Socialism is explained to appoint licensed social workers Administration Law Judges (ALJs) enabled to adjudicate medical malpractice liability and relegate agency lawyers to Court.  Cardiovascular disease is added to the Disability Quick List. The name of the Centers for Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP (CMS) is changed to National Health Insurance (NHI) and is transferred to SSA along with other mandatory benefit programs held by the Public Health Service.  Medical cost increases are limited to less than 3% annually.  Patients shall be enabled to refuse to pay for unnecessary, overpriced or harmful medical treatment with judgments of sovereign immunity.  The U.S. is the only nation that does not have universal health insurance and health expenditures are the most in the world, consuming more than 16% of the GDP.  The U.S. shall evolve a universal single payer health insurance system and then a national health service that is free for everyone.  During 2008, an estimated 162 million people had earnings covered by Social Security and paid payroll taxes.  One-in-six Americans received a Social security benefit, 51 million people, 35 million retired workers and dependents of retired workers, 6 million survivors of deceased workers, and 9 million disabled workers and dependent of disabled workers.  Total benefits paid in 2008 were $615 billion, total revenues were $805 billion and assets grew to $2.4 trillion.  Together Medicare and Medicaid served 87 million people at a combined cost of $702 billion.  In 2009 38 million people used food stamps at a cost of $53.6 billion.  In 2000 125 million people were covered by unemployment insurance and in 2010 there are around 42.4 million beneficiaries.  The number of Temporary Assistance for Needy Family beneficiaries has decreased from 14.2 million in 1993 to less than 5 million in 2003 at a cost of roughly $20 billion to the federal government.  In 2001, 6.9 million custodial parents were due an average of $5,000, $34.9 billion was due and $31.9 billion (62.6%) received, averaging $3,200 per custodial family and another $900 million was paid voluntarily.  Ultimately social security will enact a 1% social security payroll tax for international development and eliminate the income cap on SSA contributions to create a welfare system that will complete eliminate poverty…370