Hospitals & Asylums 








Jail January 2012


By Anthony J. Sanders


Wikileaks: Release Assange and Manning HA-31-1-12


As of January 30, 2012 WikiLeaks  website reports that the organization has undergone 423 days of banking blockade - no process; Julian Assange has been subjected to 420 days detainment no charge.  Bradley Manning had been subjected to 617 days incarceration in a U.S. military prison - no brief.  I was first asked to take the case of Julian Assange in December 2010 around the time Interpol issued a warrant for his arrest and released him on bail a week later.  I declined to take the case at the time because he was not actually in prison and I felt my actions were more likely to jeopardize his life than help his case.  In 2011 An Open Letter from the Members of the European Parliament expressed concern for the human rights of Bradley Manning.  U.S. Congress responded by abolishing the death penalty in espionage and censorship statute that now provides victim compensation at 18USC(I)(37)§793(h)(4) and 18USC(I)(37)§794(d)(4).  When I was reminded of Bradley Manning’s unlawful detention in November 2011 by the courageous work of Deb Van Poolen who sponsored a candlelight vigil with a coalition of advocacy organizations before going to Washington D.C. on hunger strike for Bradley Manning, in the New Year, I resolved to cover Wikileaks, as one of two cases for “Jail January” 2012.  The Supreme Court of Sweden quickly moved for a February 2012 ruling on Julian Assange.  Charges against Bradley Manning must be dismissed under Rule 907 of the Manual for Courts Martial.  Mercy, No further action need be taken to investigate or prosecute the European arrest warrant of Julian Assange under Chapter 11 Article 13(2) of the Constitution of Sweden.   N.A.T.O. may pay victim compensation for the Collateral Murder Video released 5 April 2010


Medford 6 and Bend 8: Trespassing on a Conflict of Interest HA-11-1-12


I ran the Medford Marathon, around 17 miles, in two-and-a-half hours from 8:30-11:00 am, to the Occupy rally on Jan. 5th at 1:30 pm at Medford City Hall in support of the "Medford 6" and “Bend 8” who had been arrested and fined $1,000 for trespassing in the offices of Republican U.S. Representative Greg Walden in Medford, Bend and a third location where they weren’t arrested in the second district of Oregon on Dec. 5, 2011.  All told, the Medford 6 pled no contest and each paid a $150 fine to Medford Muni. The betrayal of the People by the Progressive Democrats to the 8% approval ratings of Congress enabled Republican Majority Leader Rep. Boehner (OH) to pass a $10 billion, 2 month extension of the 2% OASI tax Middle Class Tax Relief Act (MCRTRA) of December 2011.  Not enough to cause net loss of employment like the $90 billion MCTRA of 2010.  This economic damage to the Happy New Year is more than offset by the deficiency judgment in TARP Winter Shelter Closeout.  The federal government has two weeks to repeal this bill. Occupy is a revolution of the 99% against the 1%.  The past 30 years under the tyranny of the Baby Boomers’ majority experiment with birth control has been non-supportive.  Elders are led astray, homeless rights advocates leave town.  In general, Occupy Baby Boomers, as Elders, the natural born leaders of any organic leaderless grassroots movement, need to be reminded of the lobbying restrictions on former officers, employees, and elected officials. The day of the trial of the Medford 6, James “Jimmy” Georgeson (20) was shot and killed by Federal Marshalls on Jan. 5, 2012.  Jackson County may impose a $250,000 fine on the Oregon Federal Marshalls to better protect the Rogue Valley against the Use of the Interstate  Commercial Facility in the Commission of Murder for Hire.  However the Jackson County Clerk Chris Walker and Sheriff Winters face federal investigation under bribery of public official and witness statute.  The international rate of compensation for families of civilian death casualties of military operations run from $2,500-$10,000. 


Book 6 Judicial Delinquency (JD)


To amend Chapter 6 Freemen’s Hospital §261-270.  Freeman’s Hospital and Asylum cared for freed slaves in the Washington DC area during the civil war era.  In 2005 a record 7 million people, one in every 32 Americans, were in prison or jail, an increase of 2.7% over the previous year.  In 2009 the state prison population declined for the first time since 1973.  Reductions in the prison population is a priority for the U.S., lawyers and judicial officers must focus on achieving this monumental task and cease corrupting political and commercial power with their negligence.  The prison population quintupled from 503,586 in 1980 (220 per 100,000) to 2,085,620 in 2004 (707 per 100,000).  The U.S. has the most and densest concentration of prisoners in the world comprising 24% of the 9 million global prisoners, more than Russia, the runner up, and more than China.  For the U.S. to achieve the legal limit of 250 detainees per 100,000 the total number of local jails and state and federal prison beds must be limited to less than 740,000.  One million is a good goal.  Nearly 650,000 people are released from prison to communities each year.  Each year the nation’s 3,200 jails release an excess of 10 million, 3% of the population back into the community.  Nearly two thirds of released State prisoners are expected to re-arrested for a felony or a serious misdemeanor within three years.  In 2005 7% of all prisoners were women, the number of women prisoners increased 2.6% while male prisoners rose 1.9%.  Racial disparities among prisoners persist, particularly in the 25-29 age group, 8.1% of black men, about one in 13, were behind bars, compared with 2.6% of Hispanic men and 1.1% of white men.  To enforce a legal limit of 250 prisoners per 100,000 residents, create an SSI financed halfway house system of renters to achieve the legal limit over 10 years at a cost of $1.3 billion (2012) or up to 7.7% of SSI program costs, to transfer the entire federal Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) and other extra-jurisdictional judicial financing to community corrections programs, to purchase 59,000 halfway houses from foreclosure auctions over 10 years, retrain 207,090 trained, full-time parole and probation officers and social workers…856