Hospitals & Asylums    







April 2005


1. African Social Security $25 billion Settlement HA-4-4-05


2. Attorney General v. Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance HA-8-4-05


3. Rules of the Cincinnati War Crime Tribunal $250,000 fine HA-11-4-05


4. Dychtwald, K. Age Power: the 21st Century will be Ruled by the New Old HA-14-4-05


5. Global Leader in the Death Penalty HA-14-4-05


6. State Socio-Economic Data for 2003 from Fed Stats HA-14-4-05


7. African Vital Statistics 2004 HA-14-4-05


8. A Prescription of Law HA-15-4-05


9. Interview with US Deputy Joel Kemmit HA-21-4-05


10. Deon, Lawrence.  Surviving Google’s Aging Delay HA-24-4-05


11. Economic African Table HA-25-4-05


12. Deep News #21 HA-4-05