Hospitals & Asylums    





September 2009


The dissertation for the Public Heath Department has been edited.  It is now 271 pages long, up from 130, and isolates all the problems with the public health service.  I finished just in time, the new neighbors are not willing to continue being the local Internet Service Provider, and I am writing this from the library, because the service has been discontinued.  This October will be devoted to making the technical revisions to the law – patent remedies - other than to social security law.  On the topic of social security, I read in the paper today, that as the result of the high number of unemployed people over 62 demanding benefits, who would otherwise have waited for higher benefit rates, there is, for the first time, a deficit in the social security accounts, that is more than offset by the interest income.  The economic recession is beginning to take its toll.  Perhaps the Social Security Administration (SSA) will begin to settle their enormous backlog of malpractice claims and society could begin to lay off the bioterrorists infiltrating the 14 million strong health care workforce that are causing the 14 million unemployed to be without honest work, as the result of the sadistic affection of the Democratic and Republican (DR) party for quack, shared only by bar certified administrative officials such as the Commissioner of Social Security.  Congress really needs to require the establishment of independent Ethics Committees under Opinion E 9.11 of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics and abandon their attempt at health reform ultra vires the Convention against Torture, to give the people a chance to recover, and to dissolve and repeal all the extra curricular appropriations of the 111th Congress, for a balanced budget to lead the economy to recovery.              


Public Health Department HA-26-9-09


To amend Chapter 9 Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Nationals Returned from Foreign Countries Title 24 US Code §321- §329 fifth draft.  To transfer the statute pertaining to the Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Nations Returned from Foreign Countries, to Article 6 of Chapter IV State Mental Institution Library Education (SMILE) §186-194.  To repeal 42USC(1)A§26, to restore civil and criminal penalties to federal torture statute at 18USC(113C), to change the name of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to the Public Health Department (PHD) on the condition that an Education Division (ED) to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) be created to secure toxic laboratory supplies, to change the name of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Office of Diversion Control to the Drug Evaluation Agency (DEA) and transfer it to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to change the name of the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to Social Work Administration (SWA), to change the trademark of the Centers for Medicare, Medicaid & SCHIP (CMS) to National Health Insurance (NHI), to transfer NHI and all other Mandatory Benefits Programs to the management of the Social Security Administration (SSA), to finance Children’s Health Insurance with 100% of the proceeds of the Attorney General Master’s Tobacco Settlement, to limit medical costs by enabling patients to refuse to pay for abusive, involuntary, and/or unnecessary treatment, to ensure Internet medical records are confidential, to improve epidemiological statistics, to require medical ethics committees be employed by all health institutions, to limit medical residency rotations to less than 60 hours a week, to reduce payments to high paid specialists and promote family practice, to prohibit the abuse of bio-medical research supplies, and to ban tans-fat.  Be the 111th Congress and the Democratic and Republican (DR) torture party Dissolved, Referred to the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs.


Tort Reform Act of 2009 HA-9-9-9


An Act to amend Title 18 of the US Code Chapter 113C to uphold Arts. 2, 4 & 14 of the Convention against Torture (CAT) and ratify the Optional Protocol thereto, to appoint a meaningful national penal torture investigation, to revolutionize the international understanding to of torture to be the fundamental principle of health theology, to convene a meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs to amend their Opinion on Torture, to require all health institutions to employ Ethics Committees comprised of moral professionals, social workers, scholars and disability advocates pursuant to Opinion E 9.11, to amend the Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-3) for a flat 158% tax increase so as not to penalize the poor 2,653% and child proof 2,159%, to appropriate all proceeds from the Attorney General’s Master Tobacco Settlement to offset nearly all expected costs of S-CHIP, to recognize the persecution of civil hedonists by criminal torturers and begin to reverse nearly four decades of damages from degradation to food and drug statute, to secure the recall of biological products presenting imminent hazards against military, judicial, foreign service and communist loopholes, grade compliance with the CAT for the purpose of determining whether or not the health agenda and political participation is safe, and having purchased rights from the author, to consider passing an Amended Constitution of the United States.  Be the Democratic and Republican (DR) torture party Dissolved, pending achievement of an A grade or better under the criterion established in Article 7 of this Act pertaining to compliance with the torture convention and purchase of rights from the author Hospitals & Asylums, referred to the Secretary of State and AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs who do not kill their b(k)ills.


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