Hospitals & Asylums    


Public Health Department HA-7-4-06


By Anthony J. Sanders


First Annual World Health Day Report of 7 April 2006


1. This Chapter of Hospitals & Asylums is re-titled, “Public Health Department (PHD)”, from Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Nations Returned from Foreign Countries, Title 24 US Code Chapter 9 §321- §329 and expanded upon to include a thorough study of the field of public health. This treatise was drafted during the extremely hot month of July 2005 and not completed until 2 August.  This first annual edition was prepared for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist MD this World Health Day 7 April 2006 to enforce his “do no harm doctrine” at the WHO Health Assembly of 22-27 May and Executive Board Meeting of 29 May – 1 June 2006 where we hope to debate the merits and risks of the seizure of the 6th Committee (Legal Committee) of the UN General Assembly to serve as the “sick committee” for the unrepresented specialization of Health while the World Health Organization (WHO) seizes the International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) liberating lawyers to a more ethical dimension where the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration and Controlled Substances Act (CSA) would be seized by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in both law and equity.  The objective and purpose of this Chapter of Hospitals & Asylums on Public Health are the same as the World Health Organization - the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.  In the words of Director General Lee Jong-wook, at the Conference of African Health Ministers on 28 June 2005, “Our common goal is universal access to safe, affordable and effective medical care”.  To make this a reality WHO World Health Assembly (WHA) is requested again in this Chapter to codify their Health Assembly Resolutions HA/59/0 whereas “laughter is the best medicine”.


2. The principle is to continue annual revisions of this Chapter on World Health Day 7 April until 2010 when the Act would officially go to Congress whose support is sought now to eliminate discrimination against the author and improve the public dissemination of research intended by the Framers of Hospitals & Asylums (HA) for the United States of America (USA) and the world, to: a. Popularize freedom with a peaceful policy of universal free health care in the spirit of the alleged mentally ill (ami), including drug addicts, who are released in accordance with the original statute of this Chapter at §323 Transfer and release to State of residence or legal domicile, or to relative and §326 Release of Patient. b. Rename the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to the Public Health Department (PHD) in fulfillment of 31 FR 8855 (June 25, 1966) that dissolved the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 24USC(9)§321 and PL96-88 (Oct. 17, 1979) 20USC(48)V§3508 that established DHHS, whereas the Secretary of Health and Human Services (SHHS) has earned the diploma of Medical Director (MD) of the Public Health Department (PHD).


3. There are an estimated 6.6 billion people living in the world with an average life expectancy of 67.73 years and our purpose is to achieve the highest standards of health and the provision of health protection for the entire population, if possible free of charge. In 2005 the global population showed an average 1% growth rate that was fueled by a birth rate of 22.03 per 1000, 9.08 deaths per 1,000 and an infant mortality rate of 36.06 per 1,000.  The global average AIDS/HIV infection rate can be estimated at 2% and 81% of the global population is literate HA-5-4-06.  The WHO reports that as a percentage of the GDP Equatorial Guinea has the lowest per capita expenditure on health at 1.8% and the United States of America the highest at 14.6% HA-30-7-05.  Mortality remains the consequence of life and all humans must strive to ensure that they and all living beings live long and productive lives by modernizing the research of medicine and adopting a healthy way of life.  The best counsel for a long and healthy life is to eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly and get a regular check up by a physician.  Immunizations are given to children and international travelers. 


a. In the past 100 years scientific progress in the field of medicine has enabled people living in first world nations to nearly double their average life expectancy to greater than 80 years, however in certain parts of literate southern Africa life expectancy has declined 20% in the past two decades to as low as 30 years, as the result of HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, drought, war, and water borne infectious diarrhea.  The cost of illness is even more, in AIDS ravaged Africa more than 25% of medical professionals and school teachers do not come to work on any given day. Recent experiences in Sudan, Rwanda, Liberia, Iraq, Afghanistan have demonstrated that war can take as many lives.  Peace, access to an adequate food supply, clean drinking water, sewage treatment and health education are important for public health as are community physicians and ambulatory accessibility to hospital beds and state of the art treatment, in every locality.    


b. It can be calculated that 56,597,030 people died around the world in 2004.  In 1998 the WHO Report on Leading Causes of Death, Globally that can be found in the Appendix of the text of this Chapter, the most deadly diseases were, for all ages, Ischemic hear disease claiming 7,375,408 lives, Cerebrovascular disease claiming 5,106,125.  Acute lower respiratory infections claiming 3,452,178. HIV/AIDS claiming 2,285,229. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease claiming 2,249,252.  Diarrhoeal diseases claming 2,219,032.  Perinatal conditions claiming 2,155,000.  Tuberculosis claiming 1,498,061.  Trachea/bronchus/ lung cancers claiming 1,244,407.   Road traffic injuries claiming 1,170,694.  Malaria claiming 1,110,293.  Self-inflicted injuries claiming 947,697.  Measles claiming 887,671.  Stomach cancers claiming 822,069.  Cirrhosis of the liver claiming 774,563


c. In the US, with a population of 295 million, it is estimated that 2,416,425 people died in 2001, 848 per 100,000.  The leading causes of death in the USA are diseases of the heart claiming 700,142 lives.  Malignant neoplasms (cancer) claiming 553,768.  Cerebrovascular diseases claiming 163,538.  Chronic lower respiratory diseases claiming 123,013.  Accidents (unintentional injuries) 101,537.   diabetes mellitus claiming 71,372.  Influenza and pneumonia claiming 62,034.  Alzheimer’s disease claiming 53,852.  Nephritis, nephritic syndrome and nephrosis claiming 39,480.  Septicema claiming 32,238.  Suicide claiming 30,622. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis claiming 27,035.  Homicide claiming 20,308.  Hypertension and hypertensive renal disease claiming 19,250.  Pneumonities due to solids and liquids claiming 17,301.  All other diseases claiming 400,935 lives. In the US, not dissimilar to the rest of the world, in 2004 there were an estimated 250,000 deaths from what can loosely be construed as medical malpractice and product liability. 12,000 from unnecessary surgery, 7,000 from medication errors in hospitals, 20,000 from other errors in hospitals, 80,000 from infections in hospitals, 106,000 from non-error, negative effects of drugs making medical malpractice the third leading cause of death, ten times the homicide rate.


4. Art. 10 (bed) of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development 2542 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969 that assures, b. The elimination of hunger and malnutrition and the guarantee of the right to proper nutrition; e. the raising of general standards of literacy, in order to; d. achieve the highest standards of health and the provision of health protection for the entire population, if possible free of charge. Art. 11 assures (a) The provision of comprehensive social security schemes and social welfare services; the establishment and improvement of social security and insurance schemes for all persons who, because of illness, disability or old age, are temporarily or permanently unable to earn a living, with a view to ensuring a proper standard of living for such persons and for their families and dependants; (b) The protection of the rights of the mother and child; concern for the upbringing and health of children; the provision of measures to safeguard the health and welfare of women and particularly of working mothers during pregnancy and the infancy of their children.  Art. 19 (a) The provision of free health services to the whole population and of adequate preventive and curative facilities and welfare medical services accessible to all; (b) The enactment and establishment of legislative measures and administrative regulations with a view to the implementation of comprehensive programmes of social security schemes and social welfare services and to the improvement and co-ordination of existing services.  Art. 20 (b) The improvement of health and safety conditions for workers, by means of appropriate technological and legislative measures and the provision of the material prerequisites for the implementation of those measures, including the limitation of working hours.


5. The UN General Assembly Resolution enhancing capacity building in public health of 8 February 2006 seeks to enhance the achievement of health related development goals.  The deleterious impact on humankind of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other major infectious diseases and epidemics, and the heavy disease burden borne by poor people, especially in developing countries.   Appreciating the work of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, its co-sponsoring agencies and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.  Noting the serious damage and loss of life caused by natural disasters and their negative impact on public health and health systems.  One must always bear in mind the fact that the fight against new and re-emerging diseases, such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome and a human influenza pandemic arising from avian influenza, is far from over, and in this regard welcoming the efforts of the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Organization for Animal Health in developing international strategies and collaboration, as well as the recent appointment by the Secretary-General of a Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza and its core principles.


a. Emphasizing that Member States have primary responsibility for strengthening their capacity-building in public health to detect and respond rapidly to outbreaks of major infectious diseases.  We are convinced that strengthening public health systems is critical to the development of all Member States and that economic and social development are enhanced through measures that strengthen capacity-building in public health, including strategies for training, recruitment and retention of sufficient public health personnel, and systems of prevention and of immunization against infectious diseases, reinforce measures to eliminate discrimination in access to public health , information and education for all people, especially for the most underserved and vulnerable groups. 


b. Recognizing also the need for greater international and regional cooperation to meet new and existing challenges to public health, in particular in promoting effective measures such as safe, affordable and accessible vaccines, as well as assisting developing countries in securing vaccines against preventable infectious diseases and supporting the development of new vaccines.   Welcoming the Doha Declaration on the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health, adopted on 14 November 2001 a manner supportive of public health, by promoting both access to existing medicines and research and development into new medicines. 


c. Recognizing the expertise of the World Health Organization and its role in, inter alia, coordinating actions with Member States in the areas of information exchange, personnel training, technical support, resource utilization, the improvement of global public health preparedness and response mechanisms and stimulating and advancing work on the prevention, control and eradication of epidemic, endemic and other diseases, as well as the work of the World Health office dedicated to communicable disease surveillance and response. We urge Member States to further integrate public health into their national economic and social development strategies, including through the establishment and improvement of effective public health mechanisms, in particular networks of disease surveillance, response, control, prevention, treatment and information exchange and the recruitment and training of national public health personnel; calls upon Member States and the international community to raise awareness of good public health practices, including through education and the mass media. 


6. UN General Assembly Resolution Implementing the World Program of Action concerning Disabled Persons of 26 January 2006; realizes the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities aware of the fact that there are at least 600 million persons with disabilities worldwide, of whom approximately 80 per cent live in developing countries and recognizes that the important role of the World Programme of Action is congruent with economic and social redistribution of resources and income to improve the living standards of the population.  On 3 December 1982, the UN adopted the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons.  The Millennium Declaration stressed the need to promote and protect the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities.  The accessibility of both of the physical environment and of information and communication is important in enabling persons with disabilities to enjoy fully their human rights and to play an active part in the development of society.  Governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are urged to promote effective measures, as elaborated in the World Programme of Action, for the prevention of disability and the provision of appropriate habilitation and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities in a manner respectful of the dignity and integrity of persons with disabilities for the full enjoyment of their human rights by non discrimination and the intention to integrate persons with disabilities in technical cooperation activities, both as beneficiaries and as decision makers.  


a. The 2005 World Summit Outcome Document of 24 October 2005 reaffirms our faith in public health by taking such actions as the distribution of malaria bed nets, including free distribution, where appropriate, and effective anti-malarial treatments, the expansion of local school meal programmes, using home-grown foods where possible, and the elimination of user fees for primary education and, where appropriate, health-care.  We recognize that HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases pose severe risks for the entire world and serious challenges to the achievement of development goals.  We must ensure the full implementation of our obligations under the International Health Regulations adopted by the fifty-eighth World Health Assembly in May 2005, including the need to support the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network of the World Health Organization.  We must promote long-term funding, including public-private partnerships where appropriate, for academic and industrial research as well as for the development of new vaccines and microbicides, diagnostic kits, drugs and treatments to address major pandemics, tropical diseases and other diseases, such as avian flu and severe acute respiratory syndrome, and taking forward work on market incentives, where appropriate through such mechanisms as advance purchase commitments.  An adequate supply of pharmaceutical drugs, sufficient medical supply, water treatment, sanitation and regulation of hazardous chemicals are important for healthy development. 


7. The follow up to the implementation of the International Year of the Volunteers of 31 January 2006 marks 2011 as the tenth anniversary and recognizes the valuable contribution of volunteering, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help, formal service delivery and other forms of civic participation, to economic and social development, benefiting society at large, communities and the individual volunteer as an important component of any strategy aimed at, inter alia, such areas as poverty reduction, sustainable development, health, disaster prevention and management and social integration and, in particular, overcoming social exclusion and discrimination.


a. The follow up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing of 2 February 2006 endorses the Political Declaration and the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002 and recommends ongoing efforts to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, take into account the situation of older persons.  The UN General Assembly encourages Governments to support the United Nations Trust Fund for Ageing to enable the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat to provide expanded assistance to countries, upon their request.  Governments, intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations are invited to encourage and support comprehensive, diversified and specialized research on ageing. 


b. The follow up to the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond of 31 January 2006 encourages Governments to continue to make every possible effort to realize the objectives of the International Year of the Family and to integrate a family perspective into policymaking this tenth anniversary.  Governments are encouraged to support the United Nations Trust Fund on Family Activities to enable the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat to provide expanded assistance to countries, upon their request. Member States are urged to create a conducive environment to strengthen and support all families, recognizing that equality between women and men and respect for all the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all family members are essential to family well-being and to society at large, noting the importance of the reconciliation of work and family life, and recognizing the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for the upbringing and development of the child.


8. The Healthy America Act of 2005 S-4 includes a number of measures to slow the growth of health care costs, expand health insurance coverage, and improve access to quality health care for millions of Americans.  Health care costs are growing rapidly, putting health insurance and needed care out of reach for too many Americans.  Reforming the medical liability system to ensure fair and rapid compensation to injured patients, reduce frivolous lawsuits, and limit excessive damage awards.  Promoting the rapid adoption and widespread use of individually owned, privacy protected electronic health records by fostering the development of standards through a public-private collaboration to enable the rapid and safe exchange of electronic patient information.  The dream is to increase the number of neighborhood community health centers; and to strengthen primary and preventive care networks in underserved communities. 


a. The Prescription Drug Plan derived from the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) makes the most dramatic and innovative changes to the Medicare program since it began in 1965.  The Act sets forth to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for a voluntary corporately administrated program for prescription drug coverage under the Medicare Program Part D.


b. The Internet has made the option of public personal medical records a possibility.  Pay-for-Performance (PFP) rewards doctors that use technology to share information and improve patient care using the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Physician Practice Connections (PPC) program. The PPC national standards recognize physician practices that employ systematic processes and health information technology to improve quality. Initially, Cisco, Intel and Oracle will pay financial incentives to participants based on measurements in three key categories: evidence-based care, care management and patient education. Relay Health February 2006.  Executive Order 13335 Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology and Establishing the Position of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator Signed: April 27, 2004 encourages medical records to be kept public unless a specific request by the patient, who must be informed of this right, has been made for the confidentiality of such records.   


9.  Art. 6 of the Constitution of Hospitals & Asylums Non Governmental Ethics (CHANGE) of Chinese New Year Day 4704, the 29th of January 2006, states,


(A) Art. 10 (bed) of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development of 11 December 1969 summarizes the Constitution of the World Health Organization of 22 July 1946 ensuring: (b) The elimination of hunger and malnutrition and the guarantee of the right to proper nutrition. (e) The raising of general standards of literacy, in order to;  (d) achieve the highest standards of health and the provision of health protection for the entire population, if possible free of charge.


(B) AMA Code of Medical Ethics explains that public health is the study of the impact of illness, mortality and healthcare upon society. Public health ensures:

(1) sufficient vaccines for the population,

(2) supply of technological treatments,

(3) networking of national laboratories,

(4) financing and recognition of important research,

(5) health insurance,

(6) education in regards to hygiene, exercise and the dangers of health risks,

(7) national health surveys,

(8) the management of epidemics,

(9) identification of barriers to the achievement of health goals and development of programs to overcome them. 


(C) To keep abreast of public health research HA syndicates:

(1) Weekly TB/Malaria Report

(2) Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report

10.  Medical ethics is founded in the Hippocratic Oath, that is administered to all physicians upon their graduation from medical school.  The codified translation by Heinrich Von Staden, "In a pure and holy way:" Personal and Professional Conduct in the Hippocratic Oath," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 51 (1996) 406-408 has been amended after reading NOVA.


I swear by Apollo the Physician and by Asclepius and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods as well as goddesses, making them my witnesses.  I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and covenant. I will regard who has taught me this technique as equal to my parents. I will share, in partnership, my livelihood and give a share when there is need. I will regard the children of others as equal to my siblings and to teach them this art should they desire to learn it, without fee and written covenant.  I will give a share both of rules and of lectures, and of all the rest of learning, to my children and the children of my teacher and to the pupils who have both made a written contract and taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will use remedies for the benefit of the ill in accordance with my ability and my judgment and keep them from harm and injustice.  I will not give a drug that is deadly to anyone if asked for it.  Nor will I suggest the way to such a counsel. Likewise I will not give a woman an abortive remedy.  And in a pure and holy way I will guard my life and teaching.      


I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but I will cede to those who are practitioners of this activity. Whatever houses I may visit, I will go for the benefit of the ill, remaining free of all intentional injustice, mischief and sexual acts upon the free and the slaves. Whatever I may see or hear in treatment, or even without treatment, in the life of human beings – shall not be used to harm a person -- I will keep to myself, holding such knowledge a secret.


If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame for all time.  However if I transgress and purjure myself, may the opposite be my lot.


Sanders, Tony J. Hospitals & Asylums. Summary of Public Health Department: Request for $12,000 a year. HA-3-8-05

Sanders, Tony J. Hospitals & Asylums. Chapter 9: Public Health Department. HA-7-4-06.