Hospitals & Asylums 








May 2015


By Anthony J. Sanders


Genocide or Divinity? HA-2-5-15


The USA should impose a $5 million fine for the theft of trade secrets against Cisco and Nortel whereas using employee surveillance technology on the cars, computers and cell phones of non-employees - petitioners, parishioners, volunteers, customers and family members of employees - is grounds for dismissal anywhere in the world.  This theses on divinity frames five legal issues involving organized religions who have been subjected to organized criminal suppression in history: (1) China must legalize qigong and Iran dancing, (2) a Palestinian Supreme Court is needed to secure reparations, (3) the Human Rights Council was in error to not publicly mention that Catholic priests and nuns must not be forbidden from marrying in their report to the police on child sexual abuse by clergy, (4) the United States must legalize marijuana or die from federal police finance and (5) since 2008 federal social security benefits have been obsessed by a Social Security Apocalypse regarding the number of the beast and are threatening to cut disability benefits to 80% in 2016 unless the Chief Actuary can repeat the pain in the OASDI calculation in a week to be competent to eliminate the maximum taxable limit and increase federal revenues by 130% but may not be morally able to do so because SSA has not yet paid $3 million for two counts of incitement of the crime of genocide to avoid a third conviction in 2016 and insure beneficiaries do not suffer $600-$699 for more than 42 month when their benefits must be automatically increased to $700 (Revelation 13:10) and underpayment made to the faultless beneficiaries they obsessed.  Judeo-Christians have been forced to convert to the Abrahamic faiths since 9-11.  Since my benefits were cut I camp like Muhammad in his cave, unless clear skies and a meteor shower are predicted, then I sleep outside and dream of a people whose campfires light the old-growth forest in the night like jewels – ahimsa ­– non-violence.  A solar eclipse always happens within two weeks of a lunar eclipse or vice versa.  There was a total solar eclipse March 20, followed by a "Blood Moon" total lunar eclipse April 4, 2015.  Furthermore, Native American leaders from around the nation are hosting the 20th World Peace and Prayer Day June 18-21 at Howard Prairie Lake Resort that is free for the public. 


Book 1 Military Diplomacy (MD)


To transfer Chapter One Navy Hospitals, Naval Home, Army and other Naval Hospital, and Hospital Relief for Seamen and Others §1-40 to Chapter 10 Armed Forces Retirement Home §400-435 and write a new Book. This Chapter shall change the name of the Department of Defense (DoD) to the Military Department (MD).  The US Military employs an estimated 2.8 million US citizens including 600,000 civilian employees.  Since its foundation the US military has suffered nearly 1.3 million casualties in 13 wars. There are reported to be 26.4 million US veterans.  The U.S. is on track to reduce their arsenal from 10,000 warheads, to no more than 1,700 to 2,200 nuclear warheads by 2012.  Eliminating various Cold War weapons systems can save $50 billion from maintenance, redeployment from Iraq and Afghanistan can save another $50 billion. Surplus military bases and assets shall be sold and surplus funds returned to the Treasury.  Military spending must be limited to $500 billion annually.  Military commanders must prohibit the use of force, environmental modification and biological experimentation.  Compensation must be paid by the State for casualty, injury and property damage to civilians caused by military actions at UN Compensation rates.  For lower cost humanitarian missions the US shall veto Chapter VII of the UN Charter and promote humanitarian missions that pay payroll and corporate taxes, less social insurance and deductibles, to the general treasury of any occupied developing nation.  A U.S. Central Command base should be stablished Israel to recognize Palestinian territory with a non-aggression treaty, defend Israeli territory, pay taxes to Palestine and render judgment upon the Palestinian Supreme Court.  Democratic peace theory holds that liberal democracies tend to be more peaceful than authoritarian or totalitarian states and have never made war on other liberal democracies.  All people are encouraged to surpass the Marine Corp PFT 50-100 push-ups, 50-100 crunches and 3 mile run daily…Quiz