Hospitals & Asylums    





May 2007


May is Military Appreciation Month.   This observance inspired me to get into the routine of doing 50-100 push-ups, sit-ups and leg lifts every day.  I should be presentable in a bathing suit by summer.  The US military is similarly struggling with fiscal obesity.  In 2006 the Department limited spending to $470 billion and the budget deficit went down to $250 billion from $325 billion.  This fiscal responsibility needs to continue into FY 2007 despite the irresponsible giving of Congress.  Excess funds will have to be returned to the Treasury again.  Having received his funds without any terms the President has agreed to withdraw the US from Iraq by 2008 out of sympathy for the fact that more soldiers are dying as the result of the ill-advised troop surge.  Congress has done a considerable amount of work on withdrawing from Iraq but has been too ineffective to pass these bills or on balancing the budget.  The US has to retreat from the colonial occupation in Iraq that is clearly the leading cause of the insurgency that is undermining Iraqi security and the expense that triggers the record deficits the US has shown since 2003 and the record inflation in gas prices since 2006.  First quarter economic growth estimates have fallen to 0.6%, the lowest rate since 2002, primarily as the result of the housing market.  Unemployment statistics and stock market reports are however fine.  The Federal Reserve does not predict a recession however former Chairman Alan Greenspan gives it a one in three chance. 


Business is not pleasant.  The government sponsors nothing but repression and work that is so mindless that it won’t interfere with the insane war effort, causa belli.  The Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP) no longer exists and its judicial successor does not appraise written works, if the original ever did.  Congress is going to have to pay for more than peace, pax belli, the absence of war, if they wish for the nation to succeed.  The Committee on House Administration, Judiciary Committee and Senate Committee on Rules and Administration are obligated under statute and their own rules to purchase manuscripts in payment for the preparation of the Code they are however non respondent and have ensured that there is not recourse in the administration or judiciary.  If Congress only purchases war the economy is going to seize up because the war is no longer popular even amongst the most gullible of US citizens who call fascism conservatism. Although at times a research firm Congress does not have the will power to effectively govern and they rely on my work to make decisions.  Congress needs to buy a beautiful new tax administration from Hospitals & Asylums if they wish to put this war behind us and not merely internalize the injustice as we did after Vietnam.  Congress must not continue to dismiss their leadership as some annoying mentally ill guy who is conveniently going to die younger than the average soldier thanks to the bio-terrorism in the public welfare system.  I need a receipt now so that a Congressional panel will follow the 180 day procedure of CARP so that I could be paid by Veteran’s day and the US could begin our cultural recovery from the mental illness of a command economy and win the War on Terror.          


Military Democracy HA-28-5-07


The sixth draft amending Chapter One Navy Hospitals, Naval Home, Army and other Naval Hospital, and Hospital Relief for Seamen and Others §1-40 is done this Memorial Day to honor the soldiers who gave their lives in defense of our nation.  Petitions Mr. Principi to honor the Federal Register with a request for the services of the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Tribunal to grant royalties for Hospitals & Asylums.  Sets to win the Global War on Terror through an agenda under the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 by changing the name of the Department of Defense (DoD) to the Military Department (MD), dividing the USAID ANE Asylum into Bureau for MECA and SEA, renaming Title 22 US Code Foreign Relations and Intercourse (a-FRaI-d) to just Foreign Relations (FR-ee), changing the name of COITUS to either the US International Tribunal or International Court, transferring the DEA to DHHS, changing the name of DHHS to PHD, setting down the Generals of the United Nations (GUN) and electing a Secretary of the United Nations (SUN), setting a spending limit of $400 billion for the military until 2011 to balance the budget, complying with the NPT and other disarmament treaties saving an estimated $60 billion annually, withdrawing from Iraq saving an estimated $50 billion annually.  It is resolved to give democratic peace theory, that democratic nations are more peaceful, a fair try, by eliminating all forms of psychological warfare from government, pushing for an international government that is democratically elected and teaching the four Ds – Development, Disarmament, Diplomacy and Democracy.


Military Economics HA-27-5-07


The United States has the largest, best-trained and most effective military in the world.  The Department employs an estimated 2.8 million people, 1.1 million active duty troops, 700,000 civilian employees and 1.1 million in the Reserve and National Guard.  In FY 2007 they received a 2.7% pay raise in appreciation for their good work reducing military spending from $505 billion to $470 billion that helped to reduce the deficit from $325 billion to $250 billion.  The Department’s financial management environment includes $1.4 trillion in assets and nearly $2 trillion in liabilities that remain on the Government Accountability Office’s high-risk list.  The Department will need to continue to show fiscal discipline.  China has a large military valued at $82 billion.  The European Union has combined military expenditures of $550 billion with prospective members not including Russia. Throughout the 1990s military spending was kept below $300 billion to show a federal budget surplus 1999-2000.  Concerns for the balance of power should not dissuade the Congress from setting a spending limit of $400 billion after 2008 when US troops have withdrawn from Iraq and the Department has complied with the nuclear nonproliferation treaty to reduce their nuclear arsenal and other Cold war weapons.  To affirmatively balance the budget Congress must restrain military spending to less than $400 billion until 2011 after which time the budget could creep into the $400-$500 billion range, if a smaller military is not then considered a more secure military.  Everyone, including the soldiers who would not be deceived and betrayed by the treasonous finance of terrorism, would be better off if the government would keep to the $400 billion military spending limit until 2011. 


Prospectus for Peace of the 110th Congress HA-15-5-07


The United States has the best-trained, most effective military in the world.  The military is an all-volunteer force.  Since 2001, approximately 1,500,000 members of the Armed Forces have been deployed in support of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. At this time more than 137,000 United States military personnel are bravely and honorably serving in Iraq.  Over 3,100 members of the Armed Forces have died, and over 22,500 members of the Armed Forces have been wounded.  The Congressional Research Service estimates that $379 billion have already been appropriated by Congress to finance ongoing combat operations in Iraq.  The civil war in Iraq is a product of ongoing sectarian violence in which the United States Armed Forces have been asked to take sides.  Sending more United States troops to Iraq was a mistake for which Congress has the right to impeach the President.  The insurgency in Iraq has been fueled by the United States occupation.  A United States declaration of an intention to withdraw United States troops and close military bases will help dampen the insurgency which has been inspired to resist colonization.  The cost of withdrawing United States troops from Iraq could be as low as $10 billion.  Two bills, not including the emergency supplemental have already failed.  This Memorial Day the collective judgment of both Congress and the President regarding the use of military force by the United States in Iraq is urged to bring the people of both nations peace.  Several bills that have been introduced to redeploy troops from Iraq are listed with a caption and letter grade signifying their merit in the opinion of this author.  Congress should enroll these bills for passage on a daily basis for a vote on redeployment not less than once a week to be effective.


Adjustable Rate Mortgage Ban HA-10-5-07


At the end of 2006 there were $13.3 trillion in US mortgage loans.  The number of home sales is expected to dip from 6.48 million in 2006 to 6.29 million in 2007, a drop of 2.7 percent, after of high of 7.2 million in 2005.  The number of foreclosure filings rose from about 885,000 in 2005 to 1,259,118 in 2006, up 42 percent, one foreclosure filing for every 92 U.S. households.  An estimate 15.6% of all sub-prime loans originated since 1998 either have ended or will end in foreclosure and the loss of homeownership.  The median home price fell to $217,000, a drop of 0.3 percent from a year ago.  To stimulate the economy the federal government will need to invest in residential real estate.  It can be estimated that 3,000-5,000 emergency homeless shelters with 20 to 50 beds are needed to make up for the loss of 115,000 beds between 1996 and 2005.  To make progress towards the goal of closing all state mental institutions and private psychiatric hospitals it is recommended to push for around 500-1,000 new community mental health shelters annually for 10 years to absorb the homeless inpatient population. There are 2.5 million admission to residential drug treatment annually it seems reasonable to try to double the number of drug treatment facilities at a rate of 1,000 facilities a year for 10 years.  The majority of the burden is on community corrections to purchase no less than 25,000 houses a year towards a ten year goal of 2.5 million beds, and 24 hour staff to resident ratio of 3-8 per prisoner, 500,000 employees.  The Federal Government cannot through its direct action alone provide for the housing of every American citizen wherefore it is proposed to uphold economic principles in the Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) ban and pass the bills on housing before the House.


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